4.4 Parameter Setup Request
This section describes the procedure for Ethernet Port parameter setup in the Ethernet Port from a
T2N user program. The Ethernet Port parameters consist of the following:
(1) Local port IP address
(2) UDP port number for computer link and PC link transmission
Here we first describe the IP address, subnet mask, and port number, which are the parameters
required for TCP/IP and UDP/IP transmission.
(1) IP address
The IP address is the address that specifies a particular port when transmitted data using the IP
(internet protocol). Therefore IP addresses must be set and managed so that they are not
duplicated. The following presents an overview of IP addresses.
IP address format
An address consists of a network address and a host address. The network address is an address
that specifies a particular network, and the host address is an address that specifies a particular
port on that network. The same network address must be assigned to all ports on the same (i.e., any
given) network.
An IP address is a 32-bit data item. IP addresses are written as the decimal values of each byte in
the 32-bit datum, with the decimal values separated by dots.
Example: 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
IP addresses are divided into five classes, A through C, according to how many bits in the 32-bit
value are used as the network address. (The networking standards also define classes D and E, but
the Ethernet Port does not support them.) Figure 4.4 shows the classes A though C.
Class A
Network: 7
Host: 24 bits
Class B
1 0
Network: 14 bits
Host: 16 bits
Class C
1 1 0
Network: 21 bits
Host: 8 bits
Figure 4.4 IP Address Class Divisions
In this system, networks with a large number of connected ports use class A addresses and
networks with s small number of connected ports use class C addresses. Class B addresses are
used for networks that fall between classes A and C. Expressed in decimal, the first byte of the
class A through C networks will be: 0 to 127 for class A, 128 to 191 for class B, and 192 to 223
for class C.
IP address acquisition
Taking future uses into account, we strongly recommend acquiring an official IP address.
127 values (networks)
254 values (hosts)
16,777,214 values (hosts)
65534 values (hosts)
16384 values (networks)
2,097,152 values (networks)