October 2000 © TOSHIBA TEC
(7) Completion of transport operation for front side of original (original paused at reverse position)
The read motor and reverse motor are stopped after the reverse sensor is turned OFF to complete transporta-
tion of the front side of the original.
(8) Start of back side registration operation
Completion of registration
The reverse motor starts to rotate in reverse and rotates the reverse roller in reverse to start the registration
operation for the back side of the original pausing at the reverse position.
After the reverse sensor has detected the trailing edge of the original, the feed motor transports the original for a
certain number of pulses, performs registration and stops.
(9) Start of reverse feeding operation
Completion of reverse feeding operation
The read motor starts to rotate forward and the reverse motor starts to rotate in reverse. The read roller, exit
roller and reverse roller are rotated to start the reverse feeding operation for the original waiting at the back side
registration position. The read motor and reverse motor rotate for a certain number of pulses and stop after the
read sensor is turned ON. (The leading edge of the original reaches the pre-back side scanning position.)
10/5/00, 9:55 AM