Toshiba GR-W58TDZ Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Owner’s Manual



 Thank you very much for purchasing this Toshiba refrigerator.

  Read this Owner’s Manual and become completely familiar with the

refrigerator before use in order to use this product safely and correctly.

 Keep this Owner’s Manual in a handy place for future reference.

 Make sure that you received your warranty.











Содержание GR-W58TDZ

Страница 1: ...completely familiar with the refrigerator before use in order to use this product safely and correctly Keep this Owner s Manual in a handy place for future reference Make sure that you received your warranty 非常感謝您購買本東芝冰箱 為了安全正確的使用本產品 請於使用本電冰箱之前 閱讀本用戶手冊以完全熟悉產品 請將本用戶手冊放置於可隨手取用的地方 以便往後參考使用 請確認您已收到保固卡 GR WG66TDZ GR W66TDZ GR WG58TDZ GR W58TDZ ...

Страница 2: ...的符號周圍 CAUTION CAUTION Recommends to take precautions Detailed instructions would be indicated on the inside of the triangle or around the symbol in figures or in writing ᛋӘ WARNING Ξх ٸ Ξх ٸ Ξ ۏ ኳĄ 醚 苯 酒精 稀釋劑 黏合劑 噴霧劑 液化石油氣體或任何化學物質可能會爆炸並導 致意外 Do not store Do not store the inflammable substances Ether benzene alcohol thinner adhesive spray LP gas or any chemicals may explode and cause an accident ࢲ ...

Страница 3: ...ֹڍ ϡДቐ ᒖဩѣ ٕ ٺ ሗᒅĂኛቁ ߏؠ ӎֹϡତг ቢٕాତҌᕝྮጡĄ 如未遵守此項指示 漏電情況可能會引起火災或觸電 Grounding Ensure grounding or connection to the circuit breaker if used in a place with water or excessive moisture If you fail to comply leakage or electricity may lead to fire or electric shock ᔖฟ ኛ Дቐщ ٺ ѣ ٕ ٺ ሗᒅ Ą 此情況可能會引起火災或觸電 Avoid water Do not install in a place where there s water or excess moisture This may cause fire or elec...

Страница 4: ... ٶొغ Ą 如果您未抓住指定位置 您的雙手可能會 滑掉而受傷 Hold designated positions Lift from the bottom of the refrigerator when moving If you do not hold this designated position your hands may and slip which may lead to injury ኛщ ٺٸ πᘦ гࢬซҖщ ኛ ٺ િ πᘦ г ڕ щ ٸ ДቐĄ 如果將冰箱放置在不平或不穩的地面 可能會使冰箱翻倒而 使人員受傷 Install on level surface Install on a strong and even floor The refrigerator may overturn if set on uneven or unstable surface ...

Страница 5: ...非冰箱發生故障 Дቐ ྻᖼ 初次接通電源時 或持續斷電後重新接通電源時 冰箱會連續運轉 9 至 14 小時 以使整個箱內溫度降到正常運行溫度 當箱內溫度達到穩 定後 冰箱即轉入自動控溫狀態 在上述情況下 冰箱連續運轉 請記 住 這並非故障現象 ֹϡॡ ڦ ຍְี CAUTIONS FOR OPERATION 前下側 Front lower side 後上側 Rear upper side ܐ ѨχฟДቐ ܝ ॡĂΞਕົѣ फ़ ঈ ק Ą ܧ ள ଐ ڶ Ą Дቐᑕ ٸ ཉ ٺ ᒌ 不宜把冰箱置於潮濕的地方 例如 廚房的水槽附近 否則會導致冰箱鏽 蝕或漏電 如直接放在地面上 則應在下面墊上木板等 否則也易損壞機 器 щ 冰箱應放在堅固平穩的地板上 並轉動調整水平鏍釘使冰箱保持水平狀 態 Дቐα ࢋ ѣ ᅩ 放置冰箱的地方需要良好的通風條 件 上面及後面至少要有 10 cm 空 間 兩側各有 ...

Страница 6: ...t the temperature control dial to the MID position Food may freeze in the refrigerator compartment Food may freeze when the surrounding temperature falls below 5 C as in winter In such case turning the temperature control dial toward WARM will make the food less likely to freeze Food that has a high moisture content e g tofu vegetables may freeze when it is placed at the back of the refrigerator c...

Страница 7: ...箱內有結露和冰片時 請用乾布將其擦拭乾淨 Sometimes moisture may form on the outside of the refrigerator particularly when humidity is high such as during rainy season This is regarded as the same occurrence of the moisture on the glass of cold water This does not indicate malfunction If there is some moisture on the outside of the refrigerator wipe it off with a dry cloth 有時冰箱外面會結露 特別是在如梅雨季節這樣的高濕度的 情況下 這如同冷水注入杯內時杯子周圍...

Страница 8: ...觸媒接收 LED 燈的光線 從冷空氣的濕氣中產生氫氧自 由基 氫氧自由基能抑制細菌 分解促使蔬菜腐化的乙烯氣 體 以及去除異味 UV LED Bacterial Eliminating Device UV LED ੵෂ ཉ The UV LED device is fixed on the top of refrigerator compartment to eliminate the bacteria in meat that store in the meat case This device will continuous operate after plugging with no maintenance requirements UV LED 裝置安裝在冷藏室頂部 用於消除藏肉箱所存放肉 食中的細菌 此裝置在插入電源插頭後將持續運行 不需要維護 INFORMATION ྤੈ St...

Страница 9: ...terior Plastic Units ొ फ़ొІ 將藏肉箱蓋向右滑動 並且壓下 中央 使其朝自己的方向彎曲 然後將其拉出 Slide the meat case cover to the right and push the center to bend toward you then pull it out ᖟ ቐᄏ Meat Case Cover ᑣߛ ܲᔿቐᑣჩ To ensure the maximum life of your Toshiba Refrigerator periodically clean its parts For proper instructions read the following directions carefully When cleaning them be sure to pull out the refrigerator s plug ...

Страница 10: ...again the icon disappears ڦ ຍְี 進入節能模式時 冷凍室內的溫度將高於預設溫度約 1 2 度 節能效果視使用條件而定 溫度控制 環境溫度 開 關門的頻率 食物量 如果您認為飲料不夠涼或製冰時間太長 應關閉此功能 Note While entering the energy saving mode the temperature inside the freezer compartment will raised over the preset temperature for approximately 1 2 degree The performance of energy saving depends on the application conditions temperature control outside temperature the frequ...

Страница 11: ...ication conditions outside temperature the frequency of opening closing the door food amount You can deactivate this mode immediately after the temperature inside the freezer compartment reach the application requirement ޘ ଠ ט Ğҽࣜ ވ ğ 冷凍室內的溫度是自動設置的 但是如果您想設置溫度 請按照以下步驟操作 Temperature Controls Freezer compartment The temperature inside the freezer compartment is set automatically however if you want t...

Страница 12: ...YHGX A ...
