Boil Vegetables(Leaves)
Amount to be heated at once … 100~300g. (Only weight of food)
Preparations … Wash the vegetable and wrap it securely
Must be placed on the tray with the folded
side of the wrapping facing downwards.
Overlap leaves and stems interchangeably, cross cut on thick stems, then wrap them firmly.
Wrap as wide as possible, not to let them protrude from the flat plate.
Boil Vegetables(Roots)
Amount to be heated at once … 100~600g. (By weight only)
Preparation … Wash the vegetable and place it on a flat plate.
Wrap the vegetable along with the plate securely
and then cook. Ensure that the wrap is in contact with the food.
When boiled whole
Wrap the vegetable securely along with the plate and cook. After cooking,
remove from the oven chamber. Leave for a while (about 5 minutes), without
removing plastic wrap.
(Food will dry easily, please leave them without unwrapping plastic wrap)
・If more than one vegetable is used, arrange it properly for uniform heating.
・ In case a round, large potato is used, adjust the final temperature
(increase) for desired result.
When the vegetable is cut and boiled
Peel and cut, arrange it on flat plate and sprinkle some water wrap the
vegetable securely along with the plate and cook.
Ensure that leafy and root vegetables are placed of flat plate and cooked.
Wrap leafy vegetables separately and not along with the plate.
Wrap root vegetables with the plate.
Do not use many layers to wrap or roll the food.
Do not use any other wrapping material other than cling wrap.
※ If proper usage is not followed, food may burn or catch fire.
Spark may also occur and the bottom chamber may break causing damages.
Operation methods on page 28
■ If the size of vegetable differs or high moisture is required to cook
the vegetable
→ Sprinkle more water and place it in a container for microwave. Use
microwave at 600W to heat and adjust the time and cook. (Page 46)
If finely cut carrots and mixed vegetables are cooked by selecting
“Root”, spark may occur causing the food to burn. It may also make the food dry.
■ When the quantity of food used is little or less than 100g.
→ Use the “MICROWAVE 600W” to heat and monitor the
food closely (Page 46)
If Auto menu is used, the food may catch fire or smoke.
■ When under-heated
→ Flip food upside down and front back, and heat with Extension heating or “Microwave
600W” as monitoring the process.
Place at the
center of
Place on the tray
A little
quantity is
not good !
cannot be used
Microwave (Infrared sensor)
Things to follow on Page 20 ~ 21
Please read
How to cook