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5)+016- ;<78 -6/16- -6/)/- 8):316/ *:)3-
47?-: )<<)+05-6< )6, :-57>- 3-A .:75 <0-
The engine is shipped with 1-3/4 quarts (w/ filter) of oil
in the crankcase; however, level of oil must be checked
before and after the engine is first started.
Position machine on a level surface.
Remove engine cover.
Pull out dipstick and wipe it with a clean rag. Insert
dipstick into tube and make sure it is seated fully.
Remove dipstick from tube and check level of oil. If oil
level is low, remove filler cap from valve cover (next to
dipstick) and add enough oil to raise level to FULL mark
on dipstick.
The engine uses any highĆquality detergent oil
having the American Petroleum Institute ĆAPIĆ service
classification" SE, SF or SG. Recommended viscosity
(weight) is SAE 30.
Install the dipstick firmly in place.
!## 18;<1+3 5=;< *- .=44A ;-)<-, 16 <=*-
<7 8:7>1,- 8:78-: ;-)416/ 7. -6/16- +:)63+);-
)14=:- <7 ;-)4 +:)63+);- 5)A :-;=4< 16 -6/16-
Install engine cover.
!## 0-+3 4->-4 7. 714 ->-:A 78-:)<16/
07=:; 7: ,)14A 61<1)44A +0)6/- 714 ).<-: <0- .1:;<
07=:; 7. 78-:)<176 <0-:-).<-: =6,-: 67:5)4
+76,1<176; +0)6/- 714 ->-:A 07=:; )6, .14<-:
->-:A 07=:; 7?->-: +0)6/- 714 57:-
.:-9=-6<4A ?0-6 -6/16- 1; 78-:)<-, 16 -@<:-5-4A
,=;<A 7: ,1:<A +76,1<176;
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$ " # %
Never Use Methanol, Gasoline Containing
Methanol, Gasoline Containing More Than 10%
Ethanol, Gasoline Additives, Premium Gasoline Or
White Gas Because Engine Fuel System Damage
Could Result.
Fuel tank capacity is approximately 4.25 gallons.
Clean area around fuel tank cap.
Remove fuel tank cap.
Fill tank to about one inch below top of tank,
(bottom of filler neck).
# %!
Then install
Wipe up any fuel that may have spilled to prevent a
fire hazard.
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Содержание Sand Pro 3020
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