The traction pedal locks when the functional control
lever is in neutral.
Engine cranking requires the functional control lever in
neutral, operator does not have to be in seat.
The engine will shut off if operator leaves seat without
the functional control lever in neutral.
Reels turning forward requires the operator on the seat,
the functional control lever in mow and raise/lower/mow
control momentarily engaged.
Reels turning backward for backlap requires optional
variable reel speed installed. Then the reels are allowed
to turn backwards when the functional control lever in
neutral and the backlap switch is closed, showing reel
direction is reversed.
Seat: Contour seat with high backrest. 18 cm fore/aft
slider adjustment with two mounting positions
allowing 22.8 cm total seat travel. Operator manual
tube is mounted on the seat back for easy access.
General Specifications:
Width of Cut:
59.0 in. (150 cm)
Wheel Tread:
49.9 in. (127 cm)
Wheel Base:
47.6 in. (121 cm)
Overall Length (w/baskets)
92.4 in. (235 cm)
Overall Width:
68.0 in. (173 cm)
Overall Height:
50.5 in. (128 cm)
Weight w/reels (8 Blade 4 Bolt):
1,358 lbs. (616 kg)