Enabling Your idEas
TD31455_CNC_Scanner.pdf • June 08, 2010
204 Moravian Valley Road, Suite N • Waunakee, WI 53597
Ph 608.849.8381 • Fx 209.885.4534 • © 2010 Tormach LLC
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Quick Start Guide
tormach tV
epiSode 001
Set the start point.
Jog the mill so it is centered over the mark made
in step 1. Click the blue button, “Set Start Point”,
followed by the Green “next” button.
Scale by Motion.
Chose “Scale by Motion”. The snapshot window
appears. Click “Set First point”. Position the camera
by moving the X and Y axes so the tip of Lincoln’s
nose is in the top right corner of the field of view as
shown and click “Take the Snapshot”. Now, click “set
the Second Point”. In a similar manner, position the
camera so the tip of the nose is now in the lower
right hand corner and click “Take the Snap shot”.
Finally, using the mouse, click on the tip of the nose
in each picture to set the crosshairs. You will find
it helpful to zoom into each picture using the mouses
click wheel so you can identify the same point at a
near-pixel resolution.
TakiNg Your FirST SCaN (CoNTiNued)
Figure 3.
Set the Start point by aligning the cursor to the mark
Figure 4
Position in the Upper left hand corner for snapshot 1
Figure 5.
Position in the lower lefthand corner for Snaoshot 2.