Enabling Your idEas
TD31455_CNC_Scanner.pdf • June 08, 2010
204 Moravian Valley Road, Suite N • Waunakee, WI 53597
Ph 608.849.8381 • Fx 209.885.4534 • © 2010 Tormach LLC
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Quick Start Guide
tormach tV
epiSode 001
Setup up Scan parameters.
Open Tormach CNC Scan. Fill in
the following scan parameters
and click Create File . Save the
file and then click the green “Next”
TakiNg Your FirST SCaN
What you’ll need
A penny
White backing paper: The blank side of a
business card works great.
Place the penny and card on top of a flat surface, as
shown. Make a mark on the card to indicate the lower
left hand corner of an imaginary box that the penny will
fit inside.
Align the Scope and Focus.
Open the Tormach CNC Scope application. Use the
mill to position the camera over the penny. Most
likely, you will need to carefully rotate the scope
with respect to the spindle so that X Y mill motion
is aligned on the Camera display. Focus on the
surface of the penny. For coarse focus, adjust with
the focusing wheel of the scope, if available. For fine focus, the preferred technique is to move the Z axis in
0.001” increments. Do not readjust Z once the focus is set. Close CNC Scope.
Figure 1.
Set up on a flat surface such as the top of a Vice and
mark the lower left-hand corner of the area to be scanned.
Figure 2.
Use the following
Scan Parameters