3.1. Function of the Moisture Analyzer
The primary function of the device is to make precise measurements that allow the user to determine the
moisture content of various materials using the principle of thermo-gravimetric analysis.
The secondary functions is to use the device as a precision scale to make weight determinations, as well
as to use the combination of computer software and the weighing function to count parts.
3.2. Good Practices and General Rules
Larger samples take longer to dry, but produce more accurate results. When accurate results are
required, try to stay in the 5 to 15 gram range. Use the Drying Chart feature to help in optimizing the
Sample Size, Drying Time, and Temperature.
For uniformity of results, it is better to set the Drying Time for a little longer rather than shorter.
Lower temperatures take longer, but produce more uniform results in many materials. This is especially
true if thermal decomposition is encountered in which added moisture is driven off as drying continues
because of decomposition.
Prepare the sample properly. This includes: obtaining uniformity of initial weight, leveling the sample,
using a glass fiber disc with fluid samples or samples that produce fluids when heated, and avoiding
carbonization of the sample when possible (lower heat helps).
Prepare the sample quickly and get it into analysis before its moisture content is altered by its
The more samples tested, the better the statistical reliability of the results.
If solvents are required, be very careful of the vapors produced—they can be flammable or even
explosive. Safety first!
Keep the Analyzer clean, keep the area around the Analyzer clear, calibrate the weighing unit
periodically, and test the unit for moisture accuracy using the Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate chemical
standard whenever problems are suspected (or periodically).
Above all, remember the Drying Chamber can run at high temperatures, so use caution whenever
opening the cover or handling sample pans. The internal surfaces retain heat for some time.
Chapter 3: Introduction