: Always wear protective goggles over your eyes and rubber gloves
when handling Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate.
If inhaled, Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate may cause mild irritation to the respiratory tract. If the
chemical comes in contact with skin or eyes, it may also cause mild irritation. If swallowed, a
large dose may cause gastrointestinal disturbances.
First Aid:
If inhaled
, immediately move to an area with sufficient fresh air. Get medical attention for any
breathing difficulty.
drink several glasses of water or milk. If a large amount was swallowed, get medical advice.
If skin contact occurs
, wash exposed area with soap and water. Get medical advice if irritation
If eye contact occurs,
wash eyes thoroughly with water. Get medical advice if irritation develops.
Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate is a chemical compound that can be used as a standard to check the accuracy of the
Moisture Analyzer. When the chemical is heated to 150°C, it undergoes a change that releases moisture
(theoretically 15.66%) so the chemical should lose 15.51% to 15.81% of its weight. The “m
– m/ m
* 100%”
formula will show the results directly. With a sample weight of 5 grams, set the drying time to 10 minutes to be
sure the chemical action is complete. If the chemical has been stored at elevated temperatures or subjected to
mechanical abuse, the results may vary. Be sure to spread the sample evenly throughout the disposable pan.
Recommended Parameters
: Time Mode
: m
– m/ m
* 100%
Drying Temperature
: 150
Sample Quantity
Sampling Interval
: 3sec
Drying Time
: 10:00 minutes
: Make sure the disposable pan is cool before placing the sample.
Chapter 15: Testing the Analyzer with Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate