6.3.2 FUNCtion subsystem
The commands in this subsystem are used to configure the measurement function subsystems and are
summarized in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2
FUNCtion Subsystem Commands Summary
Command Command
Select measurement function
‘VOLTage:AC’, ‘VOLTage:DC’,
‘RESistance’, ‘FRESistance’, ‘CURRent:AC’, ‘CURRent:DC’,
‘FREQuency’, ‘PERiod’, ‘DIODe’, ‘CONTinuity’, ’CAPacitance’,
Query function.
:FUNCtion Command
:FUNCtion <name>
Command syntax:
:FUNCtion <name>
Command Parameter:
<name> =
Select AC Voltage
‘VOLTage:DC’ Select DC Voltage
‘CURRent:AC’ Select AC Current
Select DC Current
‘RESistance’ Select 2-wire Resistance
Select 4-wire Resistance
‘FREQuency’ Select Frequency
‘PERiod’ Select Period
‘DIODe’ Select Diode Testing
‘CONTinuity’ Select Continuity Testing
’CAPacitance’ Selecting Capacitance testing
‘TEMPerature’ Select Temperature testing
Query currently programmed function
This command is used to select the measurement function of the instrument. Note that the
parameter names are enclosed in single quotes (’). However, double quotes (“) can instead be used.
For example:
Each measurement function “remembers” its own unique setup configuration, such as range, speed,
filter and rel. This eliminates the need to re-program setup conditions every time you switch from
one function to another.