Sub record management file
It is a file that records “Trend data (sub) record start time”, “Stop time”, and “Link information”.
File name
Sub record trend file
It is a measurement data file divided at the file record cycle (sub).
File name
(3) Etc
The data of the character string table is preserved. (
The character string table can be used with the list key to the character input screen.
(For the character input screen, refer to section 7.4.)
(4) Prm
Parameter configuration file (.dps) set with the main body of the Recorder is preserved.
The “dps” file preserved in this folder can be read and written with the main body of the
Please put the file generated with the parameter loader in this folder.
(5) Prm_YYMMDD_hhmmss
This folder is generated when log output is executed.
It is generated every time log output is
For log output, refer to Section 8.6.
In the folder, a text file in which event log, communication log, security log are described, and
dps file which can check parameters with parameter loader are stored.
For the parameter log file,
refer to Section 10.19.