5. EQ: High Pass Filter
Low Pass Filter:
Those filters are used to eliminate non necessary
frequencies above and below the signal spectrum, in order to avoid any background noise generation
due to multi-processing. For instance, a voice microphone will be set to 100Hz for the High Pass and
4kHz for the Low Pass.
Cut-off frequency
Filter type
6. Parametric EQ
The equalizer is used to compensate or alter the spectral characteristics of the signal in order to obtain
the flattest possible frequency response. The module here is a parametric 5 bands EQ.
) Freq:
central frequency of the filter between 19.7Hz and20.16kHz.
) Qfact:
selectivity of the filter(Q). Greater is the value, thinner is the processed part of the spectrum.
Can be adjusted from 0.4 to128.
) Gain:
Gain or attenuation of the center frequency, from -18dB to +18dB.
) Type:
Filter type, Peak / Low / High.
) Bypass 1~5:
temporarily cancels the individual processing of filters1~5 without having to use the
general ‘Bypass’.
7. Flat:
All parameters are reset to the factory settings.
8. Bypass:
the signal is not processed and skips to the next processing module.
Filters can be set manually by entering alphanumeric values, or graphically by clicking directly on the
frequency response diagram and moving the mouse while holding the button pressed.
9. Comp:
A compressor can limit the dynamics of a signal beyond a certain level. When the signal exceeds the
Threshold it is compressed in a ratio greater than 1. Below the Threshold,input and output signals remain
the same. By adjusting the ratio to its maximum value, the compressor is transformed into a limiter.
) Threshold:
Threshold from which the signal is compressed, from -30dB to +20dB.
) Ratio:
Compression ratio. For instance, a 4:1 ratio means that the input level is 4dB above the
threshold, the output signal will be 1dB above this threshold. The ratio value can be set from 10:1 to 1:1.
) Attack:
Reaction time of the compressor when the signal is beyond the specified threshold. From 10
to 150ms.
) Release:
Reaction time of the Compressor when the signal is below the specified threshold, from
10ms to 1000ms.
) Bypass:
Press this button, this area function is invalid.
) Default:
Restore Compressor parameters to default.
) Gain:
Adjust the volume level after passing the compressor.
10. Delay:
A delay can be set for each input up to 1361.2916ms. It can be used for sound/video synchro
applications or phase adjustment.
11. m means step:
It adjust the delay distance according to the actual location of multiple audio sets.
12. Bypass:
The signal is not processed and skips to the next processing module.
13. Input / Output channel
) Activation (IN/OUT):
Activate the Input/Output to edit the functions.
You will be automatically routed to Input/Output DSP Channel.
) Mute:
Mute the signal.
) Fader:
) How to modify the channel’s name.
- Double click the channel’s name.
- Input the individual name you want to modified.
- Press "Enter" button on the keyboard.
Adjust the volume of this channel.