W W W . T M G I N D U S T R I A L . C O M
P 1 8 / 4 1
T o l l F r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 6 1 - 2 8 1 9
Mounting Tires Onto Multi-Piece
Rim/Wheel Assemblies
1. Roll the tire onto the sliding table (the tube and flap must
first be in place). For tube type only, the valve should be
placed at 12 o’clock, for easier mounting.
2. Slide the tire onto the rim with the sliding table or with the
bead loosener disc, if necessary.
3. Mount all the assembly components.
4. Engage one edge of the lock ring in its seat and complete
the mounting process with the bead loosener disc. In the
initial mounting phase hold the rim edge in its seat with a
tire iron bar.
Do not inflate the tire on the machine.
This machine is not an inflation device. For inflation place
the wheel in an approved inflation restraint device.
Refer to OSHA standard number 1910.177.
Demounting Tractor and O.T.R. Wheels
With One-Piece Rims
O.T.R. tires and rims are very heavy and an outside lifting
tool may be required.
These wheels may be tube-type or tubeless. The rim has a
slight conical surface and a very high rim flange which does
not allow you to demount both beads at the same time with
the disc as described earlier.
1. Remove all wheel-weights from the rim. Remove the
valve stem or core and deflate the tire completely.
2. Place the disc tool next to the rim edge and loosen tire
inner bead.
3. Loosen the outer bead in the same way, taking care not
to damage the valve stem.
4. Lubricate both beads and the rim surface.
5. Place the hook tool between the bead and rim then lift the
horizontal chuck arm to move the hook tool away from the
rim edge (1” or 2-3 cm). Move the tool towards the outside
to apply the long tire iron bar.
6. Turn the chuck counterclockwise until the outer bead is
completely demounted. If the tire is a tube-type, push the
valve stem towards the inside of the rim then lift the tool
holder arm to the rest position. Shift the tire from the rim,
by moving the sliding carriage towards the outside. This will
make it much easier to remove the tube.