ООО «ТЛК Трейд» | 196158, г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, д.30, корп.4, оф. 213В (юр.) | ИНН 7810592830 КПП 781001001
р/с 40702810068000007550 | к/с 30101810200000000704 | Филиал ОПЕРУ ОАО Банк ВТБ в Санкт-Петербурге | БИК 044030704
ОКПО 66035862 | ОКАТО 40284565000 | ОГРН 1107847196060 | т.(812)6499888 | http://www.tlct.ru http://www.rftel.ru
ООО «ТЛК Трейд», Санкт-Петербург
+7 812 64 99 888
TS Clock Recovery:
Auto: it is suggested to set Auto when there is
accurate PCR carried by the inputted TS/IP
Fixed Rate: when fixed rate is selected, user has to
configure a bit rate to regenerate the TS clock. The
configured fixed bit rate has to be a little bit higher
than the bit rate of the inputted TS/IP.
TS Clock Recovery: Auto
6.2.3 System
IP Address: set the IP address of the device, valid range from
IP Address:
Subnet Mask: set the net mask of the device, valid range from
Net Mask:
Gateway: set the gateway of the device, valid range from
Network Setting
MAC Address: to display the MAC address
Remote Setting
Trap IP Address: set the IP address of the SNMP Trap server, valid
range from
Trap IP Address:
Device Label
Device Label: user allows to rename the device, press Enter and key
in the name of the device, then press Enter to confirm the setting or
press Exit to cancel.
Software Version
Software Version: display the software version
Factory Default
Factory Default:
Enter = Yes: press Enter to recall the factory default settings.
Exit = No: press Exit to cancel
Note: the network
settings will not reset to
the factory setting!
MAC Address: to Modify the MAC address
S/N: display the serial number of the device
Gigabit MAC Address: to Modify the Gigabit MAC address
Machine Type
Detail Version: Display the detail version of MCU,FPGA,LINUX OS
WEB Login ID
Edit Login ID: press Enter and key in the login ID for WEB
Default Login ID: root
WEB Login Password
Edit Login Password: press Enter and key in the password for WEB
Default Login
Password: 12345
Gigabit Mode:
Gigabit Mode
Multiple Output: the Gigabit I/O is configured as multiple
uni/multicast output mode, which delivers up to 10 streams over IP.
Gigabit Mode: Multiple