ООО «ТЛК Трейд» | 196158, г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, д.30, корп.4, оф. 213В (юр.) | ИНН 7810592830 КПП 781001001
р/с 40702810068000007550 | к/с 30101810200000000704 | Филиал ОПЕРУ ОАО Банк ВТБ в Санкт-Петербурге | БИК 044030704
ОКПО 66035862 | ОКАТО 40284565000 | ОГРН 1107847196060 | т.(812)6499888 | http://www.tlct.ru http://www.rftel.ru
ООО «ТЛК Трейд», Санкт-Петербург
+7 812 64 99 888
Hue Control: set the hue of the picture, valid range
Brightness Control: set the brightness of the
picture, valid range 0~255
Contrast Control: set the contrast of the picture,
valid range 0~255
Aspect Ratio:
4:3: set video aspect ratio to 4:3
16:9: set video aspect ratio to 16:9
Hue Control: 0
Brightness Control: 135
Contrast Control: 123
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Audio Settings
Audio Format:
MPEG1 Layer2: set the audio compression format
MPEG-1 Layer I or MPEG-1 Layer II
Sample: 48K/32K/44.1K
Set the audio sampling rate
Audio Bit Rate: 32k bps /64k bps /128k bps /192k
bps /256k bps /384k bps
Set the audio bitrate
Audio Channel Mode: Stereo / Joint Stereo / Dual
Channel / Single Channel
Set the audio channel mode.
Audio Level: Mute/+6dB~-17dB
Set the gain of output volume
Audio Format: MPEG1
Layer I
Sample: 48K
Audio Bit Rate: 192 Kbps
Audio Channel Mode:
Audio Level: 0dB
Encoder Bit Rate
Encoder Bit Rate: 1.7M~20MKbps. set the output bit
rate of the selected encoder.
Note: Encoder bit rate must greater than the sum of
video bit rate + audio bit rate + PSI (150Kbps) +
buffering (100Kbps) + encoder error (150Kbps)
Encoder Bit Rate:
Advanced Settings
PMT PID: set PMT PID, valid range from 32 to 8190
Output PMT PID: 43