ООО «ТЛК Трейд» | 196158, г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, д.30, корп.4, оф. 213В (юр.) | ИНН 7810592830 КПП 781001001
р/с 40702810068000007550 | к/с 30101810200000000704 | Филиал ОПЕРУ ОАО Банк ВТБ в Санкт-Петербурге | БИК 044030704
ОКПО 66035862 | ОКАТО 40284565000 | ОГРН 1107847196060 | т.(812)6499888 | http://www.tlct.ru http://www.rftel.ru
ООО «ТЛК Трейд», Санкт-Петербург
+7 812 64 99 888
8 Installation
It is highly recommended to fix the DXP-3800EC be mounted in EIA standard 19” rack, any other mounting
method may lead to damage to the device.
Open the box and take out the device with care. Inspect if there is any damage to the appearance of
the device.
Fix the device into the standard EIA 19” rack.
Connect the input and output cables. It is highly recommended to put the 75Ohm loader onto the ASI
output port that is not used.
Plug the power cable into the AC Power input socket. The POWER Indicator LED (A4) should be green
and always light on during working. The DXP-3800EC needs about one minutes to boot up completely.
Configure the network settings of the device via front panel.
Make the settings of Encoder, Remux, and IP output step by step following the instruction written in the
user manual.
9 Accessories
Certificate of quality /Guarantee card
RCA to BNC converter
Power Cable