Flight and Operational Manual
TL- 96 STAR s/n 99 S 25
Notice! The information contained in this document is for reference and information only.
The pilot is the final and only responsible party for the safe operation of this aircraft.
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If you quickly exclude some of the sources of increasing vibration written at the top, proceed
this way:
-try to find such regime of the engine when the vibrations are as low as possible
-if the vibrations are increasing, perform the emergency landing with turned off engine
alternatively perform the safety landing
3.4.Undercarriage failure
3.4.1.Main undercarriage failure
Land on the side of not damaged leg, on this side using the ailerons, try to relief the damaged
leg as long as possible, in case of the main undercarriage failure.
3.4.2.Nose gear undercarriage failure
In the course of the proe undercarriage failure, try to keep the nose up as long as possible, if
possible do not use brake, because the inertia force actuating on the center of gravity of the
airplane is trying while braking to collaps the proe of the airplane down. Try to land on a
appropriate area and if possible against the wind, to slow down the landing speed against the
3.5.Using the rescue system
If your airplane is equipped with the saving system, you have received with handed
documentations ´´Guidebook for assembling and using the saving system´´ elaborated by the
producer. Go through this guidebook in its full length and keep to the procedures which are
introduced there.
The handgrip which activates the saving system is placed in the upper part of the back upper
lap of the cabin between the seats.
Do not forget to unlock and lock off the saving system before the flight and to lock it after the
Generally, the saving system is recommended to use in the case of definite loss of control under
the airplane, for example for its destruction. In the case, perform:
-turn off the ignition
-fasten your seat belts
-activate the saving system
-if the airplane is equipped by the radio perform the distress call
When the airplane is dropping steadily, the airplane is in the position wheel down. It is
necessary to count with a damage of the airplane when falling down to the ground.
The saving system is constructed for the maximum speed of flight 240km/h, so if
such situation happens, which responds to using the saving system, arbitrate
Practice the movement of your hand activating the saving system and make sure,
there are no barriers in activating-seat belts or clothing. Before the flight, introduce
the placing of the starter to the fellow-traveller and let him try on a dustproof
system if he is possible to use it.