©2012 Toni Clark practical scale GmbH Zeiss-Str.10 D-32312 Lübbecke Tel. 0049 5741/5035 Fax. 05741/40338 www.toni-clark.com
Instructions Titan ZG 45PCI-HV
Ground connection of the ignition with rubber spark plug cap
Please attach the ground strap on the igni-
tion coil bracket on the crankcase. Because
of the insulator, the carburattor screws are
not suitable.
If a intake bend is used the one of the in-
take bend screws can be used to attach the
ground strap.
Please make a range test prior the first flight.
Without a good ground connection severe interferings will occur!
Fit the pickup head with the power coil
screws as shown.
The ignition timing is automatically correct
and cannot (and need not) be adjusted.
The gap between the pickup and magnet is
not critical, it can be anything from 0,2 to 2
Looked at from the side, the pickup posi-
tion is even less critical, you see here the
middle position. Although 2 mm forwards
or backwards will work perfectly well. The
pickup is a tight fit in the pickup mount and
secured with cyano. If the pickup is sitting
outside the tolerance, washers can be used
for packing between the pickup head and
the crankcase.
Pickup installation