©2012 Toni Clark practical scale GmbH Zeiss-Str.10 D-32312 Lübbecke Tel. 0049 5741/5035 Fax. 05741/40338 www.toni-clark.com
Instructions Titan ZG 45PCI-HV
Further with the engine stopped, the ignition still draws a small current of 30 mA that
will unnecessarily flatten the battery when forgotten.
The ignition has to switched off after every flight!
Running in the engine
This is the critical time in a engine‘s life. Do not use the glow-engines method of a
really rich set needle valve on a test stand on half power, rather set the needles on
the Titan ZG 45PCI-HV to a normal position and
the new engine with very short
periods of full throttle and long periods of tickover. You will of course ensure that the
mixture setting is not on the lean side. Avoid letting the engine run at half or three
quarter throttle for long periods. After the first tank full you can increase gradually the
full throttle periods. After four tank fulls you can fly full throttle for as long as you wish.
Experience has shown the power steadily increases over the first fifty flights and even
after this time, the power will increase from season to season, due to the build-up
of carbon deposits on the piston crown and on the combustion chamber walls. This
carbon build-up increases the compression ratio. Because the engine is designed for
an extraordinary long life span, even when mineral based two stroke oils are used, the
designers had chosen a relatively low compression ratio to allow for a considerable
amount of carbon build-up. So "don't worry" about carbon build-up and as long as it
is not in the piston ring groove, do not remove it, instead "be happy" about the extra
It is far better to break in the engine in a model with the engine cowling fitted. Due
to the unequal temperature distribution around the cylinder, because of the unequal
cooling airflow, the cylinder always tends to slightly distort. A new piston ring, with
his special surface treatment, can easily adjust to this condition. During the first hour
of running in, the piston ring will continually get polished and thereby it's surface
becomes harder. An engine, that has been run in on the test stand, must run for a
considerable longer length of time, until it has settled down to the new and almost
always completely different temperature distribution under the models engine cowling.