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4: Unable to connect to Server
The system cannot connect to the server. The Broadband modem might be
blocked from external Internet access or the Router is down and cannot receive
any outside addresses.
The routers DHCP service might not be up to date. Try to restart the router,
check internet access via a browser and restart the broadband modem.
5: Server did not respond correctly
This message should not occur in normal operation. There might be however a
network issue preventing the remote servers reply to make it back to the
Broadband modem. Please contact customer service in this case.
6: File download failed
This error message can only occur when the system is remotely updated. This
requires maintenance access which is not done by the end-user.
7: RF self-test failed
When this error occurs customer service needs to check the unit, as this
indicates a hardware issue.
Low Battery (indicated in online application)
1. Remove transmitter from the tank and take it into a clean, dry environment.