Getting Started Guide
Proprietary Information: Do not disclose unless authorized under the the PulsON Developers Program Nondisclosure Agreement
At this stage you have established that the PC and radio are communicating and the radio has
powered up successfully. If the connection failed, you may have to reconfigure the NIC
settings. Further work with the EVK is documented in the
UWB Evaluation
Kit Users’ Manual.
Where do you go from here?
If you have followed the instructions in this manual, and have passed both the System Boot
up and Radio to PC test, you are ready to explore UWB in greater detail. Based on your
experience and background, you have two different places to go:
• If you are relatively new to UWB or would like a refresher on the basics so you won’t
miss something critical when you read the Users’ manual, please go through the
UWB tutorial found on the Developers Website. This presentation will familiarize
you with the terms and definitions necessary to understand the information your radio
provides. It will also serve to instruct or remind you of the fundamental concept of
the PulsON 200 radio. The tutorial describes topics such as code files, integration
rates, acquisition methods, modulation and demodulation. We encourage you to
understand these terms thoroughly before you work with the radio. Users who have
experience with the P100 PADs should look through the tutorial, as there are
significant differences between the PulsON 200 and PAD radios.
• If you are comfortable with UWB concepts and terminology you are ready examine
specific aspects of the technology. The Users’ Manual found on the documentation
CD is the place to start. The Users’ Manual contains a small UWB refresher section
that touches on the key attributes of the PulsON radio. However, most of the Users’
Manual assumes the user has a certain comfort with UWB and in particular with the
implementation of TDC’s PulsON technology. The Users’ Manual explains the use
of the Performance Analysis Tool (PAT) and provides you Functional Use Cases that
should help you evaluate the technology.
Technical Support
We hope this document and the Users’ Manual provide the information you need to use the
PulsON 200 radios. Additional information, including FAQ, will always be available to you
on the Developers Website (
). If you have any problems,
please use the Website as your first point of contact. If you need additional assistance, please
contact Time Domain customer support at:
Telephone: +1