4.5 Testing phase and phase sequence
These tests can be performed at a nominal voltage
of at least 165 V (50 Hz) against earth using the
integrated battery, see section 5.
When performing these tests, the device must be
hold closely at the handgrip of the display part.
Tests can be impaired by unfavourable locations,
for example on wooden ladders or insulating floor
coverings, as well as in improperly earthed AC
voltage systems.
You may wear insulating gloves when perfor-
ming the tests.
4.5.1 Phase test
Determination of the phase conductor occurs by
applying the test electrode “+L1” to the conductor.
The conductor is live when “POL” appears on the
display and the red POL-LED lights up.
Single pole tests are not suitable for identification
the present of voltage.
4.5.2 Testing phase sequence
: Phase sequence tests can not be performed
with pressed buttons.
To determine the phase sequence between two
phases in a earthed three-phase current system
apply both test electrodes, clasp the handgrip of
the display part and proceed as follows (example
230/400 V):
- Search for the phase conductors using one pole
(see section 4.5.1).
- Apply both test electrodes to the two phase
conductors (display 400 V).
- When phase L1 is applied to the test electrode
marked (+L1) and L2 to the other test electrode
appears on the LC-display for rotation is
clockwise. If
is indicated direction of rotation
is counter-clockwise.
The test result has to be checked by exchanging
the two test electrodes. The opposite direction of
rotation must be displayed.
If 230 V is displayed instead of 400 V, the neutral
conductor may have been contacted with one of the
test electrodes.
In case both arrows are flashing or no arrow is
indicated, it is not possible to make any reliable
statement, because of the weak ground connection
(handgrip held closely? Location insulated?).
4.6 Resistance and continuity test
When the device is switched off hold the test elec-
trodes together in order to perform the continuity
test then. „000 kΩ“ is indicated at the display.
Hold closely at the hand-
grip of the display part!