Synergy Controller Application Note 4
August 2010, Revision - C
Tidal Engineering Corporation © 2010
Page 12 of 18
Test the Bar Code scanner with a Macro
Having followed the steps above, everything is ready and the barcode scanner should
be fully functional. Printed below are two example OCR-A Test Labels that can be
scanned to test the configuration. Now we can scan each label to load and run the
appropriate profile in the controller. When we scan 123456-78 the controller should
load product1.vpl and start running it. When we scan ABCDEF-GH the controller
should load product2.vpl and start running it.
Test the Bar Code scanner with Log File entries
Alternatively, create a list of part numbers, employee names etc. and print it. This
can be attached near the operator’s station.
Date Application
Employee Name
Employee Peter Paul
Employee ID
S/N 01/0639
Serial Number
P/N TE1299-04, S/N 01/0639
Part Number and Serial NumberTCweb16-
W/O 1219080-12-87W
Work Order
Test Label 1
Test Label 2