1. Using a Fan Jet, first blast off heavy soil or dirt build-up. The unit comes standard with a
15 degree nozzle correctly sized for the pressure and flow for your machine. Always use
the same size nozzle (NEW) to test the machine for performance
2. Apply detergent to partially cleaned surface using low pressure. (Apply detergent by
spraying from bottom up to avoid streaking - using a dual-lance and detergent assembly.)
Allow to soak for a few minutes.
3. Blast off dirt using high pressure and a 'bottom - up' approach.
4. Lastly, rinse off thoroughly with 'top down' approach.
Turn power supply off by turning the ON/OFF switch to OFF or by pressing the STOP
button. Disconnect from mains power socket.
Turn off water supply
Squeeze gun several times to release any stored pressure
Disconnect unit from water supply
Lay out high pressure hose straight and then reel back up onto reel.
Water Supply
- Low water supply can cause cavitation and/or pump running dry casing
expensive pump failure. Always check to ensure supply is:
Pressure is good (10 PSI / 30 LPM)
There are no kinks in supply hose
Fittings are in good condition and not leaking
Worn Jets
-System will function okay, but with oversized, worn jets, the pressure will be
much lower and cleaning ability reduced. Always use new jets to check operation
Operating Pressure
- Check operating pressure to see if it within 10% of units specified
operating pressure. If pressure drops over time it may indicate general wear and tear and
a service is recommended.
Air Leaks
- Especially in suction to pump hoses. Repair immediately if found. Check for
cuts & abrasions
Lance & Gun assemblies
- Check for damage and leaks
- Check to ensure filters are clean, filter heads/tops are not cracked, seals are not
worn and sealed air tight and mesh tube is unblocked
Motor Speed
- Check unit if motor speed is too low. If motor makes a humming sound,
switch off immediately. Do not use extension cords on these units – plug straight into wall
Ensure safety protective gear is used and in good state of repair. Ensure Safety
MEDIC ALERT Card is handy.
Prolonged by-pass
- Leaving the unit in prolonged by-pass (machine is switched on but
trigger is not depressed) can cause excess wear & tear due to water over-heating which
damages seals. The unit has two safety mechanisms built in to prevent damage:
Automatic dumping of hot water when water temp rises above 63 deg C.
The Washmate 1, -3 and -4 units will automatically shut down after 3-5 minutes
in by-pass mode. This time is factory set but depending on your unique
circumstances can be set from zero to 20 minutes.
When unit switches off after 3-5 minutes and operator is ready to continue water
blasting, just switch back ON.
Worn By-Pass Valves
- Soft-Acting By-Pass valves should NOT store high pressure
water in hose down-stream between by-pass valve and high pressure gun.
Water Leaks
- Excessive hammering can cause damage. Fix leaks when they occur
Water Condition
- Ensure water source is clean (potable water). Not recycled water or
bore water which can damage pumps.