Page 14
5.2 Motor Specifications
Motor Type
Brushed DC Servo
Motor Drive Voltage
6 V
No load speed
6560 rpm
No load current
7.43 mA
Nominal speed
1050 rpm
Nominal torque (max. continuous torque)
1.26 mNm
Nominal current (max. continuous current)
0.156 A
Stall torque
1.54 mNm
Starting current
0.184 A
Max. efficiency
Terminal resistance
Terminal inductance
0.607 mH
Torque constant
8.38 mNm/A
Speed constant
1140 rpm/V
Speed / torque gradient
4450 rpm/mNm
Mechanical time constant
13.9 ms
Rotor inertia
0.298 gcm
Recommended Thorlabs controller
How to Calculate the Linear Displacement per Encoder Count
For the Z8 series motors, there are 512 encoder counts per revolution of the motor.
The output shaft of the motor goes into a 67.49:1 planetary gear head. This requires the
motor to rotate 67.49 times to rotate the 1.0 mm pitch lead screw once (i.e. advance the
position by 1.0 mm).
To calculate the linear displacement of the actuator per encoder count:
512 x 67.49 = 34,555 encoder counts per revolution of the lead screw
Linear displacement of the lead screw per encoder count is:
1.0 mm / 34,555 counts = 2.9 x 10
mm (29 nm)