November 13th 2017
Spring Reverb Mk ii
(November 2017 onwards)
Eurorack DIY Kit
Version 1.00
For real spring tank continue.
Even if you plan to build the
expander with external RCA’s
it’s best to test with the onboard
RCA jacks first.
Note that there isn’t any strict convention between spring tank manufacturers
on red and white phono jacks. Sometimes red is input, sometimes output. So
it’s best to just follow the text on the PCB.
The left hand jack marked
should be connected to the
of the spring tank. The right hand jack marked
should be
connected to the
of the spring tank.
NOTE! Spring reverb tanks are inherently senstive to picking up noise
and hum from power supplies or other electronics.
While it is tempting to
build the tank
your Eurorack case it can be very difficult or impossible
to stop it picking up a lot of noise from the other electronics.
When first testing your module we suggest you put the spring tank as
far away as possible from your eurorack case or other electrical or
electronic devices.
Once your tank is connected, power on! Even if you are building the
expander you should test the main module first before connecting it.
Calibration doesn’t need specialist tools, just your EARS
If you are using a real spring tank then before putting the big knob on the
module you will want to use a small screwdriver to adjust the trimmer.
This trimmer controls the wet reverb level of the REAL spring tank only. It
does not affect the gain of the digital brick reverb.
We advise feeding the loudest sine wave available to the reverb module input
and then patch into the wet output only. Adjust the trimmer level until you
can hear the reverb start to distort and then wind it back a little bit. You may
want to adjust it again later on but this is a good place to start.
For more information on this module and selecting a suitable tank read here -