November 13th 2017
Spring Reverb Mk ii
(November 2017 onwards)
Eurorack DIY Kit
Version 1.00
If you are fitting the digital brick you
position it without soldering like so
on the back of the module.
If you have no intention of ever
using the digital brick you can
choose to solder this optional point
(bridge a blob of solder between the
two pads). This
grounds the brick
op amp, so it’s not floating and
potentially oscillating. We have
never experienced any problems
when NOT doing this, so we don’t
strictly recommend it as it’ll be
awkward to undo.
If in doubt
solder this pad.
Position the power cable like so,
with the red stripe towards the
center of the PCB.
If you are not using an external ‘real’ spring tank then you are ready to power
on the module. If you are connecting a real tank or building the expander
then please continue or maybe take a rest from soldering :)