5 - 18
For information:
A precipitation height of 1 mm corresponds to a water volume of 1 litre on 1 m²
ground area.
4 Description Electrical Output
4.1 Output 1: Analogue Output
The measured precipitation value is available at the analogue output in the form of electrical output
signals (see chapter 1). In case of a DC-supply, the analogue output refers to supply ground (-).
4.1.1 Signal
For the signal processing please select as follows:
1. Accumulating Precipitation Sum ( = the sum of all precipitation events up to a
maximum measuring range)
With this procedure the precipitation events are added up to a maximum value (see
measuring range), and are output as analogue value. With every precipitation event the
analogue value is updated. In case of exceeding the maximum value the analogue value is
automatically reset. In parallel to this, an external signal (RESET) can reset the analogue
value at any time (see figure 1).
Application example for accumulating precipitation sum:
- for recording the precipitation on recording instruments.
2. Gliding Precipitation Sum ( = the sum of precipitation events over a past period)
With this procedure (see figure 2) the precipitation events are added in a circular buffer over
a selectable
gliding time period
. The updating (see table 2) of the analogue value is carried
out continuously within the scope of the selected past period. After starting the precipitation
transmitter the analogue value is in the set-up for the selected period. After the set-up delay
the analogue value represents the gliding sum value of the precipitation (see figure 2) The
measuring range to be selected has to come up to the expected precipitation quantities, as
an internal measuring range overflow leads to erroneous gliding sum values.
Application example for gliding precipitation sum:
- for visualising the precipitation on display- or recording instruments.
- for controlling certain processes, for example with sewage treatment plants.