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Circulating to an open container
A stainless steel leveling device is available to aid circulation to an open
vessel. Contact our Sales Department for more information (see Preface).
Support the leveling device over the open container with a ringstand. Stagger
the tubes in the leveling device so one tube is submerged in the vessel fluid,
and the other tube is level with the fluid surface. Connect the deeper tube to
the pump outlet and the shorter tube to the pump inlet.
Adjust the flow rate using the accessory flow control valve connected to the
pump outlet, or by partially restricting the outlet tubing. When properly
adjusted, the pump inlet will draw an occasional air bubble to prevent over
flow, and the pump outlet will force fluid through the submerged tube to
prevent aeration of the vessel.
To avoid siphoning the bath work area when the unit is shut off, lift the
leveling device out of the vessel and above the level of the unit.
Circulating through two closed-loops
The pump can be used to circulate through two closed-loop systems. Connect
the shortest practical length of flexible tubing from the pump outlet to the inlet
of external system #1. Connect the outlet of system #1 directly into the bath
work area. Connect tubing from the bath work area to the inlet of system #2.
Connect the outlet of system #2 to the pump inlet.
System #1
System #2
Work Area
Pump Box
Bath (Top View)
Bath (Rear View)
Open Container