Thermo Scientific ULT-80 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5

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ULT 80 and ULT 95 Table of Contents


Compliance ............................................................................................... 3
WEEE/RoHS ............................................................................................ 3
After-sale Support .................................................................................... 3
Unpacking ................................................................................................. 3
Out of Box Failure ..................................................................................... 3
Warranty ................................................................................................... 3

Section I Safety

Warnings ................................................................................................... 4

Section II General Information

Description ................................................................................................ 5
Specifications ............................................................................................ 5

Section III Installation

Site ........................................................................................................... 7
Electrical Requirements ............................................................................ 8
Plumbing Requirements ............................................................................ 9
Fluids ........................................................................................................ 9
Filling Requirements .................................................................................. 9
Flow Control ........................................................................................... 10
Nitrogen Purge ........................................................................................ 10
Drain ....................................................................................................... 10

Section IV Operation

Start Up .................................................................................................. 11
Controller Keypad & Display ................................................................... 11
Changing a Value .................................................................................... 12
Controller Displays .................................................................................. 12
Operator's Loop ..................................................................................... 13
Setup Loop ............................................................................................. 13
Error Messages ...................................................................................... 16
High Temp/Low Liquid Level Safety ........................................................ 16
9-Pin Accessory Connector ..................................................................... 17
Analog Interface ..................................................................................... 18

Section V Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Service Contracts ................................................................................... 19
Cleaning .................................................................................................. 19
Rust ........................................................................................................ 19
Checklist ................................................................................................. 19
Service Assistance .................................................................................. 21
Technical Support ................................................................................... 21
ULT 95 Rear View .................................................................................. 22
ULT 95 Left Side View ............................................................................ 22
ULT 80 Right Side View .......................................................................... 23
ULT 80 Left SideView ............................................................................. 23
Additional  Loops .................................................................................... 24
Calibration Loop ..................................................................................... 25
Calibration Procedure ............................................................................. 25

Содержание ULT-80

Страница 1: ...entific com tc Product Service Information Applications Notes MSDS Forms e mail Voice Info 800 258 0830 Installation Operation Thermo Scientific ULT 80 ULT 95 LowTemperature Bath Circulators Thermo Scientific Manual P N U00487 Rev 04 04 2016 ...

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Страница 3: ...entific com tc Product Service Information Applications Notes MSDS Forms e mail Voice Info 800 258 0830 Installation Operation Thermo Scientific ULT 80 ULT 95 LowTemperature Bath Circulators Thermo Scientific Manual P N U00487 Rev 04 04 2016 ...

Страница 4: ...411 service tc us thermofisher com Dieselstrasse 4 D 76227 Karlsruhe Germany Tel 49 0 721 4094 444 Fax 49 0 721 4094 300 info tc de thermofisher com Building 6 No 27 Xin Jinqiao Rd Shanghai 201206 Tel 86 21 68654588 Fax 86 21 64457830 info china thermofisher com Statement of Copyright Copyright 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved This manual is copyrighted by Thermo Fisher Scientific...

Страница 5: ...trogen Purge 10 Drain 10 Section IV Operation Start Up 11 Controller Keypad Display 11 Changing a Value 12 Controller Displays 12 Operator s Loop 13 Setup Loop 13 Error Messages 16 High Temp Low Liquid Level Safety 16 9 Pin Accessory Connector 17 Analog Interface 18 Section V Maintenance Troubleshooting Service Contracts 19 Cleaning 19 Rust 19 Checklist 19 Service Assistance 21 Technical Support 2...

Страница 6: ... 2 Appendix A Serial Communications Protocol Appendix B Programming Software Declaration of Conformity WARRANTY ...

Страница 7: ... obtain the following BOM number___________________________ Serial number__________________________ Software version see page 24 ____________ Retain all cartons and packing material until the circulator is operated and found to be in good condition If the circulator shows external or internal damage or does not operate properly contact the transportation company and file a damage claim Under ICC r...

Страница 8: ...h Always turn off the circulator and disconnect the line cord from the power source before performing any service or maintenance proce dures or before moving the circulator Always empty the bath before moving the circulator Never operate equipment with damaged line cords Refer service and repairs to a qualified technician For proper travel the compressors support springs are tightened prior to shi...

Страница 9: bei Wartungsarbeiten wo der Kontakt mit der Flüssigkeit wahrscheinlich ist dem SDS und EC Sicherheitsdatenblatt Stellen Sie sicher dass die Flüssigkeit keine giftigen Gase generieren kann Über der Flüssigkeit können sich im Gebrauch entzündbare Gase bilden Prüfen Sie beim Gebrauch von Ethylen Gglykol und Wasser regelmäßig die Konzentration und den pH Wert der Flüssigkeit Änderungen der Konzentr...

Страница 10: ...pération de maintenance pouvant comporter un contact avec le liquide reportez vous aux fiches de données de sécurité du fabricant et de l Union européenne pour connaître les précautions de manipulation Vérifiez qu aucun gaz toxique n est produit par le liquide Les gaz inflammables peuvent s accumuler au dessus du liquide lors de son utilisation Si vous utilisez de l éthylène glycol et de l eau vér...

Страница 11: que se toque el fluido consulte el SDS del fabricante y la hoja de datos de seguridad para la CE a fin de conocer las precauciones de manipulación Asegúrese de que el fluido no genera gases tóxicos Los gases inflamables pueden acumularse sobre el fluido durante el uso Al utilizar etilenglicol y agua revise la concentración y el pH del fluido periódicamente Los cambios en la concentración y el...

Страница 12: ...realizar a manutenção onde o contacto com o fluido for provável consulte as Fichas de Segurança SDS e EC do fabricante relativamente a precauções de manuseamento Certifique se de que não são gerados gases tóxicos pelo fluido Podem desenvolver se gases inflamáveis sobre o fluido durante a utilização Quando utilizar etilenoglicol e água verifique a concentração do fluido e o pH regularmente As alter...

Страница 13: ...pese veiligheidsgegevensblad voor voorzorgsmaatregelen om ermee om te gaan Verzeker dat er geen giftige gassen kunnen worden gegenereerd door de vloeistof Er kunnen zich dan ontvlambare gassen opbouwen boven de vloeistof tijdens het gebruik Bij het gebruik van ethyleenglycol en water moet u de vloeistofconcentratie en pH op een regelmatige basis controleren Wijzigingen in de concentratie en de pH ...

Страница 14: ...imento ai fogli tecnici di sicurezza SDS e EC del produttore per le precauzioni da adottare Assicurarsi che il fluido non generi gas tossici I gas infiammabili possono accumularsi sul fluido durante l utilizzo Se si utilizza glicole di etilene ed acqua controllare periodicamente la concentrazione del fluido e il pH Variazioni di concentrazione e pH possono compromettere le prestazioni del sistema ...

Страница 15: ...ршвате дейности по поддръжка където е възможен контакт с течността направете справка с SDS от производителя и информационния лист за безопасност на ЕС за предпазни мерки при работа Уверете се че течността не може да генерира токсични газове Запалими газове могат да се натрупат над течността по време на употреба При използване на етилен гликол и вода проверявайте редовно концентрацията на течността...

Страница 16: ...vádění údržby s možným kontaktem s kapalinou si přečtěte pokyny k manipulaci v bezpečnostním listu výrobce Zajistěte aby se z kapaliny nevypařovaly žádné toxické plyny Při používání se nad kapalinou mohou hromadit hořlavé plyny Při používání etylenglykolu a vody pravidelně kontrolujte koncentraci a pH kapaliny Změny koncentrace a pH mohou mít vliv na výkon systému Nejvyšší pracovní teplota stanove...

Страница 17: ...rer vedligeholdelse hvor kontakt med væsken er sandsynlig så referer til producentens SDS og EC sikkerhedsdatablad for betjeningsforholdsregler Sørg for at ingen giftige gasser kan dannes af væsken Brændbare gasser kan dannes over væsken under brug Når du bruger etylenglycol og vand så kontroller væskekoncentrationen og pH på jævnlig basis Ændringer i koncentration og pH kan påvirke systemets ydel...

Страница 18: ...ι EC του κατασκευαστή για προφυλάξεις κατά τον χειρισμό Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το υγρό δε δημιουργεί τοξικά αέρια Τα εύφλεκτα αέρια ενδέχεται να συσσωρευτούν πάνω από το υγρό κατά τη διάρκεια της χρήσης Κατά τη χρήση αιθυλενο γλυκόλης και νερού ελέγχετε τακτικά τη συγκέντρωση του υγρού και του pH Οι αλλαγές σε συγκέντρωση και pH ενδέχεται να επηρεάσουν τις επιδόσεις του συστήματος H υψηλότερη θερμοκρασία...

Страница 19: ...vaadake ohutusnõuete järgimiseks tootja ohutuskaarti SDS MSDS EL ohutuskaart Veenduge et vedelik ei tekita mürgiseid gaase Kasutamise ajal võivad vedeliku kohale tekkida tuleohtikud gaasid Etüleenglükooli ja vee kasutamisel kontrollige regulaarselt vedeliku kontsentratsiooni ja pH taset Kontsentratsiooni ja pH taseme muutused võivad mõjutada süsteemi toimimist Kõige kõrgem töötemperatuur vastavalt...

Страница 20: ...oissa voi syntyä kosketus nesteeseen viittaa valmistajan toimittamiin SDS ja ED käyttöturvallisuustietoihin noudatettavia varotoimenpiteitä varten Varmista että neste ei aiheuta myrkyllisiä kaasuja Palavia kaasuja voi kerääntyä käytön aikana nesteeseen Jos etyleeniglykolia ja vettä käytetään tarkista säännöllisesti nesteen pitoisuus ja pH arvo Pitoisuudessa ja pH arvossa syntyvät muutokset voivat ...

Страница 21: ...nach Sonraí Sábháilteachta AE an déantóra go bhfeice tú na réamhchúraimí láimhsithe Cinntigh nach féidir leis an leacht aon gháis thocsaineacha a ghiniúint Is féidir le gáis inadhainte cruinniú os cionn an leachta fad a bhíonn sé in úsáid Agus gliocóil eitiléine agus uisce á n úsáid seiceáil tiúchan an leachta agus an pH ar bhonn rialta Is féidir le hathruithe ar thiúchan agus ar pH difear a dhéan...

Страница 22: ...urnosno tehničkom listu proizvođača i EZ sigurnosno tehničkom listu Pazite da tekućina ne može proizvesti nikakve otrovne plinove Zapaljivi plinovi mogu se nakupiti nad tekućinom tijekom upotrebe Prilikom upotrebe etilen glikola i vode redovito provjeravajte koncentraciju tekućine i pH vrijednost Promjene u koncentraciji i pH vrijednosti mogu utjecati na performanse sustava Najviša radna temperatu...

Страница 23: ...ocsátott SDS és EK biztonsági adatlap alapján Bizonyosodjon meg arról hogy a folyadékból nem termelődhet mérgező gáz A folyadék felett a használat során tűzveszélyes gázok halmozódhatnak fel Etilén glikol és víz használata esetén rendszeres időközönként ellenőrizze a folyadék koncentrációját és pH értékét A koncentráció és a pH érték megváltozása befolyásolhatja a rendszer teljesítményét Az EN 610...

Страница 24: ...kur galimas kontaktas su skysčiu tvarkymo atsargumo priemonių ieškokite gaminto SDS ir EB saugos duomenų išklotinę Užtikrinkite kad skystis negarins toksinių dujų Naudojimo metu virš skysčio gali susikaupti degios dujos Naudodami etileno glikolį ir vandenį reguliariai tikrinkite skysčio koncentraciją ir pH Koncentracijos ir pH pakitimai gali turėti įtakos sistemos veikimui Užtikrinkite kad per did...

Страница 25: ...drošinātajās SDS un EK drošības datu lapās Nodrošiniet lai šķidrums neradītu toksiskas gāzes Šķidruma lietošanas laikā virs tā var veidoties viegli uzliesmojošas gāzes Ja tiek izmantots etilēnglikols un ūdens regulāri pārbaudiet šķidruma koncentrāciju un pH līmeni Koncentrācijas un pH līmeņa izmaiņas var ietekmēt sistēmas veiktspēju Augstākās darba temperatūras ierobežojumam kā tas definēts standa...

Страница 26: ...idu irreferi għall SDS jew l EC Safety Data Sheet tal manifattur għall prekawzjonijiet tal immaniġġjar Kun żgur li l ebda gassijiet tossiċi ma jiġu ġġenerati mill fluwidu Gassijiet li jistgħu jieħdu n nar jistgħu jakkumulaw fuq il likwidu matul l użu Meta tuża l ethylene glycol u ilma iċċekkja l konċentrazzjoni tal fluwidu u l pH fuq bażi regolari Bidliet fil konċentrazzjoni u fil pH jista jkollho...

Страница 27: ...rawdopodobny jest kontakt z płynem patrz środki ostrożności opisane w SDS oraz karta charakterystyki substancji niebezpiecznej EC Upewnić się że płyn nie będzie generował gazów toksycznych Podczas pracy nad płynem mogą zgromadzić się gazy palne W przypadku wykorzystywania glikolu etylenowego i wody należy regularnie sprawdzać stężenie płynu oraz pH Zmiany stężenia i pH mogą wpłynąć na wydajność uk...

Страница 28: ... cu fluidul trebuie să consultați FDS și Fișa cu Date de Siguranță CE pentru măsurile de siguranță privind manevrarea Asigurați vă că fluidul nu produce gaze toxice Pe parcusul folosirii lichidului se pot acumula gaze inflamabile Verificați regulat concentrația lichidușui și pH ul când folosiți etilen glicol Schimbările concentrației și a pH ului poate afecta performanța instalației Cea mai ridica...

Страница 29: ...tajte KBÚ výrobcu a kartu bezpečnostných údajov ES v ktorej sú uvedené opatrenia pri manipulácii Uistite sa že kvapalina nemôže generovať žiadne toxické plyny Počas používania sa v kvapaline môžu vytvárať horľavé plyny Pri použití etylénglykolu a vody v pravidelných intervaloch kontrolujte koncentráciu kvapaliny a pH Zmeny koncentrácie a pH môžu ovplyvniť výkon systému Najvyššia prevádzková teplot...

Страница 30: ...kočine ali pred izvajanjem vzdrževalnih del pri katerih je zelo verjeten stik s tekočino preveriti proizvajalčev SDS in varnostne liste EU z napotki za ravnanje Poskrbite da tekočina ne tvori strupenih plinov Med uporabo se lahko nad tekočino nakopičijo vnetljivi plini Ko uporabljate etilen glikol in vodo redno preverjajte koncentracijo tekočine in pH Spreminjanje koncentracije in vrednosti pH lah...

Страница 31: ...nosnom listu proizvođača i EZ bezbednosnom listu Pazite da tečnost ne može proizvesti nikakve otrovne gasove Zapaljivi gasovi mogu da se nakupe nad tečnošću tokom korišćenja Prilikom upotrebe etilen glikola i vode redovno proveravajte koncentraciju tečnosti i pH vrednost Promene u koncentraciji i pH vrijednosti mogu da utiču na performanse sistema Najviša radna temperatura prema definicijama stand...

Страница 32: ...erera till tillverkarens SDS och EU Säkerhetsdatablad för försiktighetsåtgärder vid hantering Försäkra att vätskan inte kan generera giftiga gaser Brandfarliga gaser kan samlas vid användning av vätskan När man använder etylenglykol och vatten så ska man regelbundet kontrollera vätskans koncentration och pH värde Ändringar i koncentration och pH värde kan påverka systemets prestanda Den högsta dri...

Страница 33: ...D Inches Centimeters Weight Pounds Kilograms Pump Pump Head5 60 Hz 50 Hz Flow5 60 Hz 50 Hz 0 2 C 0 03 C 340 watts at 80 C 250 watts at 70 C 1200 watts 0 10 liters minute at 0 Head 0 10 liters minute at 0 Head 47 x 273 8 x 17 120 7 x 69 5 x 45 1 48 x 321 8 x 21 121 9 x 81 6 x 54 6 336 152 4 370 168 0 53 8 x 7 x 9 13 7 x 17 8 x 24 1 2 DIA Fill Hole 5 1 cm Fill Hole 4 0 15 1 Max Head 12 3 7M Max Head...

Страница 34: ...ow A ULT 95 60HZ B ULT 95 50HZ C ULT 80 60HZ D ULT 80 50HZ A ULT 80 60HZ B ULT 95 60HZ Temperature A B 30 60 90 120 Time Minutes 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Herat Load Watts 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 Temperature C A C B D CoolingCapacity PumpingCapacity Time to Temperature ...

Страница 35: panels Position the circulator so the intake and discharge are not impeded A minimum clearance of 3 feet 1 meter on all four sides is necessary for adequate ventilation Inadequate ventilation will reduce cooling capacity and in extreme cases can cause compressor failure Excessively dusty areas should be avoided and a periodic cleaning schedule should be instituted see Section V Cleaning The cir...

Страница 36: ...ected to a properly grounded outlet It is the user s responsibility to assure a proper ground connection is provided Make sure the voltage of the power source meets the specified voltage 10 MinimumCircuitAmpacity ULT 80 50 60 Hz 16A ULT 95 50 60 Hz 20A 80 C Circulator 50 60Hz 21A Plug 50 60 Hz L6 30P Refer to the serial number label on the rear of the circulator to identify the specific electrical...

Страница 37: ...sary insulation may be required to prevent loss of cooling capacity It is important to keep the distance between the circulator and your applica tion as short as possible and to use the largest diameter tubing practical Tubing should be straight and without bends If reductions must be made make them at the inlet and outlet of your application not at the circulator If substantial lengths of cooling...

Страница 38: ...ion Nitrogen Purge NOTE This is a standard feature on ULT 95s an optional feature for ULT 80s The nitrogen purge valve is designed to accept a constant flow of dry nitrogen into the reservoir The nitrogen blankets the cooling fluid preventing air oxidation and water absorption Remove the reservoir cover by removing the screws Fill the reservoir with cooling fluid following the procedure listed abo...

Страница 39: ...5 C The light in the REFRIGERATION ON OFF switch will also extinguish If rapid cool down is needed above 35 C immerse a tap water cooling coil into the reservoir Either of these methods can also be used to increase stability Once the cooling system has been turned off it should remain off for approxi mately 10 minutes before attempting to restart Failure to allow this time for pressure equalizatio...

Страница 40: the NEXT ENTER key is depressed twice and the display stops flashing NOTE If the ENTER key is not depressed twice within 10 seconds the controller will time out and the new value will not be accepted The controller will revert to the previous setpoint value Controller Displays An alphanumeric display presents numeric readings of various operating conditions within the bath Display function is s...

Страница 41: ...age will flash see page 16 The circulator will not shut down unless the temperature exceeds the high temperature safety setting see page 16 You will also receive an error code if the optional external sensor is selected but it is not installed Figure 1 Operator s Loop XXX X Reservoir Fluid Temperature SP Setpoint Operator s Loop When the controller is first powered up it enters the Operator s Loop...

Страница 42: ...oportional Band factory value 1 5 Int Integral factoryvalue0 75repeatsperminute dEr Derivative factory value 0 05 minutes rtd Sensor 1 Internal 2 External SP Remote setpoint source see page 18 Hit High Temperature Limit Figure 2 Setup Loop 1 of 2 ...

Страница 43: ...isplay and abort all changes keep pressing the NEXT ENTER until the display reads Stor then press NO Hit High Temperature Limit Lot Low Temperature Limit r232 RS232 Protocol bAUd BAUD rate default 9600 dAtA Data bits default 8 StoP Stop bit default 1 PAR Parity default none Stor Store ...

Страница 44: ...ed on the heater coils in the bath monitors both conditions A High Temperature Low Liquid Level fault occurs when the temperature of the sensor exceeds the set temperature limit In the event of a fault the circulator will shut down The cause of the fault must be identified and corrected before the circulator can be restarted The safety is not preset and must be adjusted during initial installation...

Страница 45: ...AMP Part 745492 2 Remote Sensor Connections Pin Function 1 3 wire RTD connection A 2 Noconnection 3 Noconnection 4 3 wire RTD connection A 5 Noconnection 6 Noconnection 7 3 wire RTD connection B 8 Noconnection 9 Noconnection Hardware Internal Connector Mating Connector AMP Part 745492 2 AMP Part 745491 2 RTD Example The circulator is equipped with two 9 pin D connectors located on the rear of the ...

Страница 46: ...connection 9 Power Ground 5V RTN 10 13 Noconnection 14 5V Power supply of 5VDC 15mA maximum 15 Setpoint In The temperature setpoint can be controlled by applying a known voltage to this pin The temperature scale is 10mV C referenced to analog ground pin 6 example 230mV 23 0 C Note The setpoint is updated only when the voltage represents a temperature within the setpoint limits The analog setpoint ...

Страница 47: ...ce on the cooling coil Raise the temperature of the bath to deice the cooling coil Shut the circulator off and replace the cooling fluid Periodic vacuuming of the condenser fins is necessary The frequency of cleaning depends on the operating environment We recommend a monthly visual inspection of the condenser after initial installation After several months the frequency of cleaning will be establ...

Страница 48: ...ssor short cycling will occur For high temperature circulators the refrigeration automatically shuts down above 35 C The light in the switch will also extinguish If the power source is 10 below the circulator s voltage requirements the compressor will short cycle Check power source for correct voltage output When operating below 8 C a non freezing solution must be added to the bath fluid At low te...

Страница 49: ...commands they must be exact See Appendix A Check communications settings The protocol uses an RS 232 serial interface with the parameters 9600 baud 8 data bits 1 stop bit and no parity Check all wiring for proper connections or possible shorts Software to verify serial communication is available from Thermo Fisher Service Assistance If after following these troubleshooting steps your circulator fa...

Страница 50: ... 22 ULT 95 Rear View ULT 95 Left Side View ...

Страница 51: ... 23 ULT 80 Left SideView ULT 80 Right Side View L Low stage H High stage ...

Страница 52: ... 24 ...

Страница 53: ...ontroller s SENSOR indicator is illuminated Once the bath reaches the setpoint and stabilizes go to the Calibration Loop and as illustrated on the next page enter the actual reference thermometer reading at either the r1H or r2H prompt Store the change and return to the Operator s Loop Adjust the setpoint to an appropriate low end temperature Once the bath reaches the setpoint and stabilizes retur...

Страница 54: sensor rnH Hightemperature rnL Low temperature Ain Analog in Aout Analog out Stor Store NOTE To stor all changes when the display reads Stor press YES Should you desire to return to the temperature display and abort all changes when the display reads Stor press NO ...

Страница 55: s serial port by using a standard 9 pin RS 232 connection on the rear of the temperature controller Data transmit of the computer s serial port connects to data read pin 3 of the bath Data read of the computer s serial port connects to the data transmit pin 2 of the bath Communication cables are available Contact our sales department for additionalinformation All commands must be entered ...

Страница 56: ...aster requests information by sending one of the Read Functions as shown in Table 1 Since no data is sent to the bath during a read request the master uses 00 for the number of data bytes following the com mand byte The bath will respond to a Read Function by echoing the lead character address and command byte followed by the requested data and checksum When the bath sends data a qualifier byte is...

Страница 57: ...units needed For example if the master wants to set the setpoint to 30 C it would send The bath responds commandbyte 2 bytes to follow The checksum is the bitwise inversion of 20 00 01 F0 02 01 2C The temperature of 30 0 C is 300 decimal 012C hex CA 00 01 F0 02 01 2C DF CA 00 01 F0 03 11 01 2C CD commandbyte 3 bytes to follow The checksum is the bitwise inversion of 32 00 01 F0 03 11 01 2C The qua...

Страница 58: ...igh Temperature Limit CA 00 01 E0 02 d1 d2 cs CA 00 01 E0 03 qb d1 d2 cs Set Proportional Band CA 00 01 F1 02 d1 d2 cs CA 00 01 F1 03 qb d1 d2 cs P 1 99 9 Set Integral I 0 9 99 CA 00 01 F2 02 d1 d2 cs CA 00 01 F2 03 qb d1 d2 cs Set Derivative D 0 5 0 CA 00 01 F3 02 d1 d2 cs CA 00 01 F3 03 qb d1 d2 cs BATH ERROR RESPONSES Bad Command N A CA 00 01 0F 02 01 ed cs Bad Checksum N A CA 00 01 0F 02 03 ed...

Страница 59: ...perator s manual and a toll free number to a trained technical staff NEScom Software allows you to write custom temperature programs for our Digital or Microprocessor based temperature control apparatus Choose upper or lower temperature limits and monitor system status with an alarm NEScom can also record your results on a user selectable graph NesCom must be used with an IBM or 100 compatible com...

Страница 60: ...nance or to any circulator that has been operated or maintained in any way contrary to the operating or maintenance instructions specified in this Instruction and Operation Manual This warranty does not cover any circulator that has been altered or modified so as to change its intended use In addition this warranty does not extend to repairs made by the use of parts accessories or fluids which are...

Страница 61: ......

Страница 62: ...Thermo Fisher Scientific 81 Wyman Street P O Box 9046 Waltham Massachusetts 02454 9046 United States www thermofisher com ...
