TK 61552-2-MM-EN
be de-energized after a few seconds to keep it from being damaged. The pull-in coil is controlled
by the microprocessor through the fuel solenoid pull in relay (K6).
Figure 38.
Fuel Solenoid Location
Fuel Solenoid
Testing the Fuel Solenoid
If you suspect that the engine does not run because the fuel solenoid is not operating correctly,
use the following procedure:
1. Measure battery voltage.
a. With engine and controller off, check the voltage between the positive and negative
battery terminals. If the voltage is below 12.2 Vdc, the battery needs to be charged or
2. Remove the fuel solenoid from the engine and disconnect it from the wire harness.
3. Check the resistance of the hold-in coil.
a. Check the resistance of your meter leads first. Subtract these values from the resistance
values you measure.
b. Check the hold-in coil resistance between pins A and C as shown (
c. The resistance of the hold-in coil should be 22 to 27 ohms at 76 F (24 C).
e:: The resistance specifications above are for measurement at 76 F (24 C). If it is not
possible to measure at room temperature, use the following table as a guide for the
expected resistance:
Hold-In Coil Resistance
Low End
High End
-25 F
-32 C
17.3 Ohms
21.1 Ohms
-10 F
-23 C
18.0 Ohms
22.0 Ohms
0 F
-18 C
18.5 Ohms
22.6 Ohms
25 F
-4 C
19.6 Ohms
24.0 Ohms
50 F
10 C
20.8 Ohms
25.4 Ohms
76 F
24 C
22.1 Ohms
27.0 Ohms
100 F
38 C
23.2 Ohms
28.3 Ohms
125 F
52 C
24.4 Ohms
29.8 Ohms
150 F
66 C
25.6 Ohms
31.2 Ohms
d. If the resistance is out of specifications, proceed to “Fuel Solenoid Replacement” (below).
If the resistance is OK, continue to step 4.