Switch-on dimming value
Operating mode - Switching operation (reg.off)
When switching on, the lighting dims to the set switch-on
dimming value, regardless of the daylight.
Value range (with management remote control „SendoPro
Switch-on dimming value
1 – 100 %
Time delay A
Value range
Adjustable values with „SendoPro 868-A“ manage-
ment remote control
In the „theSenda P“ installation remote control, the
following values are available
10 s - 60 min
10 s, 30 s, 60 s, 2
min, 10 min, 20 min,
60 min
Short presence A
The time delay of channel A light can be switched off sooner
if a room is occupied only for a short time (in configuration
type fully automatic device and semi-automatic device).
The time delay is applied according to the set time delay.
If someone enters an unoccupied room and it is only occupied for
up to 30 seconds, the light will be switched off prematurely after
2 min.
Energy saving mode eco/eco plus
With the „SendoPro 868-A“ management remote control, the
energy-saving behaviour can be set very simply. The selection
of „eco“ stands for optimum switching behaviour, while „eco
plus“ stands for maximum energy saving.
„eco”: The time delay adapts to the user behaviour in a
self-learning way. It does not drop below the set value.
„eco plus”: The set time delay remains unchanged (no
self-learning effect). Faster response to brightness
detection than with „eco”.
Standby time/standby brightness
When standby time is activated, the lighting is not switched
off after completion of the time delay, but remains dimmed as
an orientation light.
Value range (with management remote control „SendoPro
Standby time
30 s – 60 min
Standby function (orientation light) is not active
Standby function (orientation light) is permanently
switched on
Standby brightness
1 – 25 %
Configuration type
Fully automatic device: The lighting switches on and off automa-
tically. (due to presence, absence and brightness)
Semi-automatic: Switching on always has to be done manually.
Switching off is done automatically by the presence detector. (due
to presence or brightness)
Detection sensitivity
The detector has 5 sensitivity increments. The basic setting is
the middle increment (3).
By selecting the test presence operating mode, the set sensi-
tivity increment is not changed.
Increments 1 to 5 can be selected and sent to the detector
with the „SendoPro 868-A“ management remote control.
On the „theSenda P“ installation remote control, the sensitivity
can be increased or decreased by one increment each time
the button is pushed.
very insensitive
very sensitive
Group address channel A
This parameter is applied when using the „theSenda S“ user
remote control.
A group address can be assigned to Channel A light. The
„SendoPro 868-A“ or „theSenda S“ can be used to program
the group addresses in the detector.
Group address value range
Adjustable values „SendoPro 868-A“
I, II , III , All
Adjustable values „theSenda S“
Scene 1/Scene 2
This parameter is applied when using the „theSenda S“ user
remote control. The desired dimming value for channel A light
can be allocated to scene 1 and scene 2.
Value range (with management remote control „SendoPro
Adjustable values
0 – 100 %
LED display motion
The motion detection can be displayed via the LED.
Value range (with management remote control „SendoPro
No display of motion detection.
The LED is switched on when motion is detected, otherwise
switched off.
Teach-in channel A
During teach-in, the currently measured brightness value is
accepted as brightness setpoint value A. Values outside the
permitted range will automatically be set to the appropriate
limit value.
The control command teach-in can be adopted with the
„SendoPro 868-A“ management remote control or with the
„theSenda P“ installation remote control via the