TMS320F280x SDFlash Programming Utilities
F280x SDFlash Algo V1.1
Texas Instruments Inc. 25
11. Troubleshooting Tips
This is a list of solutions to potential failures when using the SDFlash utility. At this point you should have the most
recent SDFlash revision installed and the proper flashing algorithms for the DSP you are using should be unzipped
in to your SDFlash\myprojects folder. Prior to using the SDFlash, the SDConfig utility must successfully run and
verify connection to your emulator and target DSP board. The SDConfig can be launched via the 'SDConfig' icon on
your Windows desktop. If you need help with the SDConfig, please refer to the SDConfig.htm file included in your
SDConfig directory.
It is recommended you begin by using one of the example projects included with the flashing algorithms associated
with the DSP you are using. Before attempting to erase or program the flash, check the Project Settings of the flash
project you are using. The project settings can be viewed by clicking the 'Project' menu, then click 'Settings'. Verify
that each field that requires a directory path points to the location where that file is actually located. The fields that
require directory paths in the Project Settings Window are:
Target Tab:
Erase Tab:
Programming Tab:
Verify Tab:
-Algorithm File
-Algorithm File
-Algorithm File
-Board File
-Flash Data File
If you have installed the SDFlash and Algorithms in a directory different from the default installation directory, the
directory paths in the Project Settings will need to be changed.
DSP Reset Fails
Check that the target DSP board is properly powered. Check that the DSP is properly clocked (check
XCLKOUT using an oscilloscope).
If using a stand alone JTAG emulator, make sure that it is properly powered.
Make sure that the SDFlash Project is configured for the correct driver and port address. The SDFlash
project must be configured with the correct driver to support the Spectrum Digital JTAG Emulator or
eZdsp board you are using.
11.2. All
Refer to section 12 for a description of the API error codes that will be reported by SDFlash.
The errors ‘File Does Not Exist' or 'Load file failed’ may appear when attempting to open the Flash
Panel. The file that the errors are referring to is the 'Flash Data File' located on the Programming tab of
the Project Settings. Verify the directory path to the COFF file you wish to load is a valid path. (i.e. that
the .out file exists in the directory entered.)
A successful 'RESET' in SDFlash means the JTAG Emulator and Target board are properly powered
and connected. However, take a moment to verify that all cables are connected securely and that the
proper power is supplied to the emulator and target board.
Older versions of the SDFlash algos are based on obsolete Flash APIs and should not be used.
Run SDConfig to make sure your target and emulator are setup properly.
Examine the project settings Project->Settings and make sure the path names to all files are correct as
described in section 6.6.