TMS320F280x SDFlash Programming Utilities
F280x SDFlash Algo V1.1
Texas Instruments Inc. 23
To run this test:
9.3.1. Open the project settings: Project -> Settings
9.3.2. Click on the appropriate tab: erase, program, verify
9.3.3. For “User Options 3”, enter the value that corresponds to
the pin you want to toggle as shown in the table. Enter the
value as hex digits only. Do not enter a 0x in front of the
In the example shown on the next page, 0022 in erase
User Options 3 indicates that the toggle test will be run on
GPIO34 instead of the erase operation.
Choose an appropriate pin for your system. Check your board design and board
connections to be certain that the pin you have selected for toggling is not being
driven by a source other than the DSP, or voltage contention can occur. Also, be
certain that whatever the toggling pin is connected to in your system will not
encounter difficulty when the pin is toggling (e.g., the device the pin is connected to
should be powered-down, held in reset, etc.). A number of different pins are selectable
above in order to avoid such problems,
9.3.4. Click Ok and save the project: File->Save Project
9.3.5. To begin the toggle test, start a SDFlash
operation using the Device->Flash menu.
Uncheck any operations you are not
using. For example, if you want to check
the frequency configuration of the
program algorithm, uncheck the erase
option and press start.
With User Option 3 set to 0000 - 0022,
the toggle test will be performed instead
of the specified operation and SDFlash
will eventually timeout. The timeout
period is as specified in the Timeout box,
in seconds (e.g., 3000 seconds). The
user can click Stop to halt the toggle test
Erase, Program
and Verify
User Option 2
Pin Toggled
S cycle time)
Test not run
0000 GPIO0
0001 GPIO1
0002 GPIO2
0003 GPIO3
0004 GPIO4
0005 GPIO5…
…. ….
000A GPIO10
… …
0022 GPIO34
Test not run