Application Program Interface
The notifyTimeout parameter is the maximum amount of time (in system
clock ticks) to wait for registered notification functions (set by
PWRM_registerNotify) to respond to a delayed completion, before
declaring failure and returning PWRM_ETIMEOUT.
For example, if notifyTimeout is set to 200, PWRM_changeSetpoint waits
up to 200 ticks (typically 200 milliseconds) before declaring that a
function has failed to respond. PWRM uses notifyTimeout for each
notification. For example, if notification functions are registered for both
before and after setpoint changes, PWRM_changeSetpoint waits up to
notifyTimeout on each notification. All registered notification functions are
called from the context of PWRM_changeSetpoint.
PWRM_changeSetpoint returns one of the following constants as a
status value of type PWRM_Status:
The application should treat return values of PWRM_ETIMEOUT or
PWRM_EFAIL as critical system failures. These values indicate the
notification client is unresponsive, and the system is in an unknown state.
The operation succeeded and the new
setpoint is in effect.
A general failure occurred. The requested
setpoint transition did not occur.
V/F scaling is not implemented by PWRM
on this platform.
The operation could not be completed
because a client registered with PWRM
indicating that it cannot support the
requested setpoint.
The operation could not be completed
because newSetpoint is not a valid value
for the platform.
A registered notification function did not
respond within the specified notifyTimeout.
The requested operation cannot be per-
formed at this time; PWRM is busy pro-
cessing a previous request.
A failure occurred while initializing V/F
scaling support; V/F scaling is unavailable.