3.4.2 Reset
The SoC has the following resets:
• RESET_REQz is the warm reset input for Main domain.
• RESETSTATz is the warm reset status output for Main domain.
• PORz_OUT is the power ON reset status output from Main and MCU domain.
• MCU_PORz is the power ON / Cold Reset input for MCU and Main domain.
• MCU_RESETz is the Warm Reset input for MCU domain.
• MCU_RESETSTATz is the Warm Reset status output for MCU domain.
The PORz signal is provided by ANDing the two supervisor output and reset from JTAG. This is further
ANDed with CONN_MCU_PORz from safety connector and PCIe_MCU_PORz from PCIe connector to provide
Three push button switches are available to provide reset for MCU_PORz, MCU_RESETz and RESET_REQz.
Warm reset can also be applied through Test automation header or manual reset switches SW4(SoC) and
MCU_PORz input can be applied though switch SW7.
The CONN_MCU_RESETz and CONN_MCU_PORz from the safety connector are routed to MCU_RESETz and
MCU_PORz respectively thereby providing option for safety connector to create a warm reset and a cold reset
as shown in the
Most peripheral resets are “ANDED” with the RESETSTATz output from the SoC along with a GPIO control as
shown in
. This ensures that the peripheral reset is asserted until the SoC is out of reset and allows
the AM64x to manually assert reset to the peripheral.
Figure 3-5. Overall Reset Architecture of the AM64x EVM
System Description
AM64x GP EVM User's Guide
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