27 G-TECH/Pro SS/RR Fanatic Manual
RR Session – Hill-Climb
Hill-Climb sessions are driven on non-circular tracks. This means that every hill-climb map has a separate START and
FINISH gate defined.
Starting RR Session recoding
To start RR Session recording make sure you are on the Main Screen and in RR mode.
Depending on whether you are driving on new location and if Map-Vicinity automatic recording is enabled there are
three scenarios:
driving on new location, no previous map exists
driving on location with prerecorded map, Map-Vicinity automatic recording is enabled
driving on location with prerecorded map, Map-Vicinity automatic recording is disabled
Driving on new location
Recording hill-climb session on new location is almost the same as recording a circular track session. The only difference
is that for hill-climb session you need to define separate START and FINISH gates. To do that, start session recording as
you would for circular track. To stop recording, and place the FINISH gate, double-click
To stop Hill-Climb RR Session recording and
create map from recorded data double-click
button anytime during the session.
See section “Driving on new location” on page 20 for more details. Everything said there applies to Hill-Climb sessions
too. The only difference is the way you stop session recording.
Driving on prerecorded map with automatic recording enabled
This scenario is the same as for circular maps. See section “Driving on prerecorded map with automatic recording
enabled” on page 25 for more details.
Driving on prerecorded map with automatic recording disabled
This scenario is the same as for circular maps. See section “Driving on prerecorded map with automatic recording
disabled” on page 26 for more details.