13 G-TECH/Pro SS/RR Fanatic Manual
TECH SS Fanatic with SS to RR Upgrade Kit, you will be able to choose operating mode. In this case G-TECH will indicate
current mode by showing “SS mode” or “RR mode”.
For additional details about SS and RR modes, please see page 15 or page 18 respectively.
Mode Change
button to enter
Main Menu
Switch SS/RR
Roll up or down
to select mode
Roll up or down
to select mode
Confirm selection
Cancel changes
Primary displayed measurement
By default, primary displayed measurement indicates amount of G-force. In combination with G-Arrow it creates a Real-
time G meter. Primary displayed measurement can be configured to show any of these 3 parameters: G-force, speed or
real time horsepower.
Please see page 46 for details on configuring Main Screen.
Secondary displayed measurement
By default, secondary displayed measurement indicates current speed. It can be configured to show any of these 3
parameters: Speed, G-force or real time horsepower.
Please see page 46 for details on configuring Main Screen.