PA 5740 - Automotive battery simulators
4.1 The compensation button
4 oPerAtion
Risk of destruction of the DUT or couplers!
Monitor the DUT to ensure no ringing or excessive over-
shoot is present.
In case there is a question you should use the CAPACI-
TIVE mode.
Pressing this button toggles between the available compensation modes:
This is the normal operating mode with a good com-
promise between stability and bandwidth. The bandwidth
in this selection is approximately 40 kHz
This mode is specifically designed for capacitive and/or
reactive loads. This reduced bandwidth, high stability
mode is perfect for using during normal transient testing,
conducted sine wave (CSW) testing. The bandwidth in this
mode is limited to approximately 3 kHz.
This mode is for testing where high bandwidths are
required. This mode allows frequencies up to 150 kHz.