INA 703 Magnetic field coil
3.4 Connection to the generator
The INA 703 features a multipole terminal system which insures comfortable and
safe connection of various generators suited for various applications
Safety banana plugs: Red and black
These 2 plugs are mainly used for pulsed and oscillatory magnetic fields testing. The
Black banana is the low entry of the coil, the red banana is connected to the end of
Turn Nr 1. connecting to these terminals is equivalent to test with a single turn coil.
Round 4 pole connector:
The pole marked with PE sign is connected together with the black banana to the
low entry of the coil.
Pole Nr. 1 is connected together with the red banana to the end of turn Nr. 1
Pole Nr. 2 is connected to the end of turn Nr. 5
Pole Nr. 3 is connected to the end of turn Nr. 37