INA 703 Magnetic field coil
INA 703 is the top end of a family of magnetic field coils, designed for testing per
IEC 61000-4-8 (supply frequency magnetic fields) , IEC 61000-4-9 (pulsed magnetic
fields), IEC 61000-4-10 (oscillatory magnetic fields).
Thanks to a multi wire - 37 turns – concept , it allows the generation of fields higher
than 1000 A/m while using a current source rated for 30 A, so insures the possibility
to meet the IEC 61000-4-8 standards requirement of a current THD < 8% which can
be met only when using a synthetic current source.
INA 703 has a connection possibility after wire turn 1 and turn 5, which allows to
reach great accuracy when generating low amplitude fields.
2 INtrodUctIoN
2.1 General description