FF-MM-369-REV - 02
Page 6
Operation and Maintenance Guide 4 VM Air Motor Series
Daily Before Operating
1. Disconnect air line and muffler.
2. Add flushing solvent directly into motor. If
using liquid solvent pour in 1 to 2 ounces of
recommended oil into the motor.
3. Rotate the shaft by hand in both directions for
a few minutes.
4. You must wear eye protection for this step.
Cover exhaust with a cloth and reconnect the
air line.
5. DO NOT use kerosene or ANY other
combustible solvents to flush this product.
6. Restart the motor at a low pressure of
approximately 10 PSI/0.7 bar until there is no
trace of solvent in the exhaust air.
7. Listen for changes in the sound of the motor.
If motor sounds smooth, you are finished.
If motor does not sound like it running
smoothly, installing a service kit will be
Air Supply
The air should be clean and dry. Supply
air pressure maximum 7kg/cm²(100 psi) for
Lubricated and maximum 5.6 kg/cm²(80 psi) for
• Daily before operation check the hoses,
especially the high pressure hoses for damage
or leaks
• Use genuine Teryair spares and if possible
mention the serial number of the Vane motor
when ordering spares.
Operating instructions
Vane motors are rugged dependable product
designed to give you years of satisfactory
service. Follow the instructions mentioned here
to enhance life and performance. Check the
direction of the motor airflow. A single rotation
motor will operate properly only in one
direction.Single rotation motors require a
muffler to be connected to the air port. Remove
the plastic shipping plugs from the ports. Save
plugs for future use during shutdown.
This product can be installed in any orientation.
Mount the motor to a solid metal base plate that is
mounted to a stable, rigid operating surface. Use
shock mounts to reduce noise and vibration. Install
a pressure regulator or simple shut-off valve to
control motor.
• It is your responsibility to follow proper
shutdown procedures before storage.
• Turn off air intake supply.
• Disconnect air supply and vent all air lines.
• Remove Vane motor from connecting
• Remove the muffler.
• Wear eye protection. Keep away from air stream.
Use clean, dry air to remove condensation from
the inlet port of the motor.
• Lubricate motor with a small amount of oil into
the intake port. Rotate shaft by hand several times
to distribute oil.
• Plug or cap each port.
• Coat output shaft with oil or grease.
• Store motor in a dry environment.
Lubrication Requirements
Lubricated Vane motor: Always install a line
lubricator on the air line as close to the Vane motor
as possible. A Filter Regulator Lubricator unit (FRL)
is strongly recommended. Keep the lubricator bowl
topped up with recommended grade of oil and check
that the oil is reaching the Vane motor Running the
Lubricated Vane motor without lubrication is likely to
cause damage to the components causing premature