Tech-Tip 93
Released: 6/19/2019
Tech Tips
Step 2
Complete a thorough daily inspection of the unit,
including running all boom functions through
their full range of motion before beginning any
dielectric testing. Daily inspection criteria can be
found in the unit specific operators and
maintenance manuals.
The fiberglass booms must be clean, dry and in
good physical condition. Check carefully for any
bird’s nests, material buildup, or hydraulic leaks
in the boom or control areas. Check under the
boom tip covers and look down each boom from
both ends checking for a blockage or any signs
of a leak. A bird’s nest, blockage, or leak in the
boom could ignite and cause a fire during the
dielectric test.
If a blockage or leak is found it must be repaired
and the unit cleaned prior to continuing with the
dielectric test.
Record all unit info and weather conditions on
the dielectric test sheet prior to starting the test.
The test sheets are included in the Manual and
can be copied as needed.