VEEK-MT-SoCKit User Manual
March 17, 2014
Demonstration Setup
Make sure both Quartus II and Nios II are installed on the host PC
Power on the SoCKit board
Connect a USB cable to the USB-Blaster port on the SoCKit board and install the USB-Blaster
II driver if necessary.
Configure the FPGA by executing the demo batch file “test.bat” from the directory
“SoCKit_Painter\demo_batch” (Note*)
After the programming is downloaded and executed successfully, you will see a painter GUI
displayed on the LCD.
shows the GUI of the Painter demo
The GUI is classified into three areas: Palette, Canvas, and Gesture. Users can select pen color
from the color palette and start painting in the Canvas area. If a gesture is detected, the
associated gesture symbol is shown in the gesture area. Click the “Clear” button to To clean up
the content in the Canvas area.
shows the photo when users paint in the canvas area.
shows the photo
when counter-clockwise rotation gesture is detected.
gesture is detected.
Figure 4-2 GUI of the Painter demo