™ H.264 and MPEG-2 SD/HD Decoder
User Guide V1.3
For starting a telnet session type: telnet <ip-
address> <2323>, e.g. ‘telnet 2323’, and
press the Enter button. See Figure 25.
The value ‘2323’ specifies the used TCP/IP port number for the telnet session of the remote control
test. The IP-address should correspond to the DEC's IP-address.
Figure 25: Starting a telnet session for the remote control test
Figure 26: Session to test the remote control of the DEC-300
After you have start the session, you got the display, see Figure 26: SDECRP
The command ‘help’ will display a list of all available options.
The ‘ls’ command allows you to see the available directories and options in the current directory.
To change the current directory, write ‘cd directory_name’, e.g. ‘cd status’. To go one directory layer
upstairs, enter the command ‘cd ..’. If you enter the command ‘exit’, the telnet session will close.
If you want to enter the value
of an option you must use the ‘put’ command followed by the correct
values. Afterwards use the ‘apply’ and ‘save’ commands to apply and/or save your changes.
E.g. for changing the source IP-address, you need to type the following:
put /configuration/decoder/0/source/ip_addr
apply /configuration/decoder/0/source/ip_addr
Figure 27 provides an overview over the telnet navigational and directory structure to
test the remote control. This overview is useful to find the correct configuration
settings when navigating in telnet mode. For instructions and descriptions on the
individual settings, please see the corresponding chapters for web based