Invalid reading
ToF sensor failed to register a
measurement. Possible causes :
- Ambient light is too high
- Target surface is too reflective
- Received signal is too weak
2 - Material level percentage : output shown in percentage (0-100%) and represents
current material fill level inside the silo / tank from the total material level (set by the user).
In order to obtain accurate level estimation, the user is responsible for setting 3
parameters via the Terabee Configuration GUI:
100% fill level - distance from bottom of silo to the point where the device will
output a 100% fill level (full)
0% fill level - distance from bottom of silo to point where the device will output a 0%
fill level (empty)
Device position (Z axis) - distance from bottom of silo to the exact point where the
Terabee device will be installed (reference point is the sensor lenses).
By default, material fill level estimation is disabled. If enabled, this value is then computed
onboard the device after every ToF measurement - by converting the raw distance data
collected (sensor-to-material surface) into remaining material fill level (%).
Copyright © Terabee 2021
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)