Application Description
Optional field. Allows users to give their device or application a human-readable
description. Maximum 20 characters are allowed.
Measurement and transmission intervals
Allows users to specify the Time-of-Flight sensor measurement frequency together with the
data transmission via LoRaWAN. Available frequencies include:
1 reading per 24 hours
1 reading per 6 hours
1 reading per 1 hour (default)
1 reading per 15 mins
Level estimation
Enables or Disables (default) system onboard computation of remaining material level in
silos. If enabled, the following 3 extra parameters will appear in the section below that are
necessary to be configured in order to provide an accurate material level estimation.
100 % fill level: distance (in cm) from bottom of the silo at which the device will
register a 100% filled material level.
0 % fill level: distance (in cm) from bottom of the silo at which the device will
register an empty silo (0% fill level)
Device position: distance (in cm) from Terabee device to bottom point of the silo,
at which the device will be installed. Position on Z axis.
Copyright © Terabee 2021
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)