Figure 8 - Data stream on HTerm software:
Distance and heading data in text mode
The user needs to send a command in hexadecimal format to communicate with the
device through terminal emulation software. One needs to make sure the “Hex” checkbox
is selected (checked) and the “Type” field has “HEX” as an option selected. Figure 8 shows
an example of the command which configures data output in TEXT mode. Please refer to
further sections:
USB operation - Remote Control
see all the available commands.
Mac OS
When using a Mac OS it is also possible to use terminal emulation software to display
the data and configure the device. Terabee often works with and suggests using
the CoolTerm software. Please follow the provided link to download the software:
Next, double click on the “CoolTermMac.dmg” file and then on the CoolTerm icon. Connect
Terabee Follow-Me to a computer and click the “Options” button. Select the corresponding
USB port (click “Re-Scan Serial Ports” button to refresh the port list).
Copyright © Terabee 2020
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)
Company Confidential