Parameters and output of the system
The system comes with several configuration parameters:
Determines distance between the two beacons (in millimeters).
Swap beacons
Calculations are performed as if the master beacon was on the front right and the
slave beacon on the front left side of the robot. If the application requires
the opposite configuration, beacons can be swapped in software - this will adapt
calculation accordingly.
EMA window size
Parameter determines the number of samples used by the Exponential Moving
Average filter. Increasing the window size will provide smoother output, but will also
increase the reaction time of the system to changes.
Output of the system is in the form of distance (millimeters) and heading (degrees). In case
the system is unable to calculate distance and heading or the remote control is beyond the
maximum range, distance and heading will be set to 0 m, 0° respectively.
4. Mechanical integration
Mechanical design and mounting
The Terabee Follow-Me system uses ABS housings with aluminium lids in the bottom part
of the beacons. Each lid has three curved slots for M4 screws. Figure 3 and Figure 4
illustrate external dimensions of the system.
Figure 3 - Terabee Follow-Me overall dimensions - Beacon
Copyright © Terabee 2020
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)
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